Arco, Lecco or Finale Legure

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 rompompom 29 Apr 2024

Climbing in Arco or Lecco

My bf and I have 3 days to climb and we are undecided about where to go.

We fly into Milan this May and can't choose whether to go to Lecco or Arco.

Lecco is 2 hours less travel time each way, Arco sounds more rustic and less luxurious (we prefer to dirtbag). Or maybe we go to finale Legure instead?

1.    ⁠Is Arco as polished as some articles have said?
2.    ⁠can we multipitch with bolts up to 6b?
3.    ⁠Will the climber vibe be better in Arco?

 tjekel 29 Apr 2024
In reply to rompompom:

You for sure can multipitch with bolts in Arco, and there is a lives worth to multipitch climb say between 5b and 6b. It is mainly the single pitch climbs that are quite polished - and the multipitch classics on Colodri (still worthwhile, and a mixture between bolted where it matters and trad).

 Ciro 29 Apr 2024
In reply to rompompom:

Finale is fantastic, but I'd save it for a longer trip. Getting lost in the woods trying to find a crag is part of the magic, as long as you have time.

 alex_th 29 Apr 2024
In reply to rompompom:

Arco rustic and less luxurious? I haven't been to Lecco, but Arco is not an undiscovered backwater with delicious agriturismos hidden away down farm lanes. It's more of a major tourist trap with more climbing / outdoor shops (most of them more like fashion shops with a few token quickdraws in the window) than Ambleside That said... I still love it. Trip to Redpoint for some new gear, extra big cappucino on the main square, in the evenings pizza and campari spritz...

The few single pitch sport crags I have visited there (Nago etc.) I found pretty polished up to my grade (about 6a). The multi-pitch is a different matter, however, and that is what I like there now.

The multi-pitch style there used to be anti-bolt. The best classic lines (found in the Diego Filippi guides from publishes Versante Sud) have peg belays and a lot of peg runners, but you still need a rack, albeit not a Pembroke-sized one. However...

... more recently a German climber called Heinz Grill has bolted a lot of new multi-pitch routes. When I say more recently, I mean like in the past couple of decades. He lives there... and to judge from the number of routes he has opened, he must have a lot of spare time The big classic lines had already been taken, so my feeling is that a lot of his are on crags which you could call second tier... but they have still sometimes got some super climbing. The guidebook Arco Plaisir is written by a friend of his and at least three quarters of the routes in it seem to be Heinz Grill routes.

His style (at least on the few routes of his which I have done) is two bolts on the belays, in-situ threads where ever possible, bolts on the harder bits if no threads possible, and nothing at all if there are either good natural possibilities or on easier ground. I would take a set of wires and a few medium cams (e.g. yellow, red, and maybe a couple smaller) for a Heinz Grill route, even though most of the time you just clip the bolts and threads.


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