Glaramara climbs

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Folks, I'm in the lake this weekend and with your help, I've organised a walk from Rosthwaite, over Glaramara to Allen crags and then back down ruddy and grain gill paths. 

I cant find the thread but I seem to recall that there is a better option than I had selected; I had gone with Thornythwaite Fell, largely because I can see a path on all the mapping stuff, including Explorer paper maps.

I seem to recall that a poster suggested a better option would be via Bessyboot and looking into this further, it would look to be the much preferred option i.e. Bessyboot>Rosthwaite Cam>Dovenest Top>Combe Door>Combe Head.

Would someone confirm that there is a reasonably obvious route for getting up to BB and then follow the route I would prefer as the mapping I have doesnt appear to be very obvious.



 Temp account 15 May 2024
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:

You'd go into The Combe (good path) and then up past Glaciated Slab (presumably a path) and on to Bessyboot. Definitely no way up the steep wooded north side or from Langstrath until Cam Crag Ridge. I take it you're fine with a fair way of nobbly felltop, possibly boggy bits all the way from there to Glaramara.

 Wainers44 15 May 2024
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:

Not sure if its what you mean but there is a lovely little path up Bessyboot, through the trees leading off the track towards Langstrath.  The campsite is nearby.  Although not massive, it's pretty obvious and is a great route.

The whole ridge is wonderfully uppy downy and Glaramara seems higher and always that bit further away than it should be!

In reply to Wainers44:

Yes. This is the kinda thing I'm after

 Wainers44 15 May 2024
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:

The path goes up next to Stanger Gill. If you have the Wainwright Southern Fells book, it's on Rosthwaite Fell page 4.

 Temp account 15 May 2024
In reply to Wainers44:

Never spotted that, good shout.

 Tom the tall 15 May 2024
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:

Nice choice- take in bessy boot and tarn at leaves, which is a lovely spot, then round the Combe to Glaramara. 

Post edited at 22:17
In reply to Wainers44:

> The path goes up next to Stanger Gill. If you have the Wainwright Southern Fells book, it's on Rosthwaite Fell page 4.

I have the books so will have a look tomorrow.  Thank you

 Mark Bull 16 May 2024
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:

Map and lots of photos here: 

Post edited at 07:29
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:

Locked and loaded

 graeme jackson 16 May 2024
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:

The perfect route!  There's a great little scramble up the front of Glaramara - brings you out right at the summit cairn. 

In reply to graeme jackson:

> The perfect route!  There's a great little scramble up the front of Glaramara - brings you out right at the summit cairn. 

Yep, did this little scramble too. The walk was brilliant and whilst the path is good onto Bessyboot - thanks Wainers - the rest of the route isn't well pathed and takes a bit of simple navigation. Great spot though, few people and spectacular weather. 

Legs are a bit stiff today though.

Post edited at 06:25

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