MT award holder numbers

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 DH3631 06 Mar 2024

Primarily for curiosity:- the Mountain Training website says that they qualify over 2,000 leaders/instructors every year (presumably meaning passes at assessment of one of their qualifications), without giving a breakdown. Also, I know that the ML award was established over 50 years ago, but some of the other MT quals have been established much more recently. However, is there any data on how many holders of each qual there are?

As the quals don't expire, the total number awarded (particularly for SML) may be significantly more than the number of individuals who are currently active, but it would be interesting to know the very rough numbers of MLs, WMLs, MCIs etc. While I don't think it's compulsory to use DLOG, I guess that the number of active DLOG accounts might give a better idea of numbers?

 Fiona Reid 06 Mar 2024
In reply to DH3631:

Maybe ask Mountain Training if they have the numbers? 

DLOG will only be used by folks that registered or gained their qualification more recently, e.g. 2014 onwards. Prior to that folks had paper logbooks so may have the qualifications but no DLOG account. 

OP DH3631 06 Mar 2024
In reply to Fiona Reid:

I may do that, presumably they hold the total numbers of each qualification which have ever been awarded, at least, if nothing else. 

Re DLOG, I started some time before it was a thing, and still have my wee green SMLTB ring binder, but my guess is that the majority of people in the same position may have gone over to DLOG by now, just for convenience. 

 Fiona Reid 06 Mar 2024

> but my guess is that the majority of people in the same position may have gone over to DLOG by now, just for convenience. 

A fair few folks may have just done one qualification pre DLOG times and thus wouldn't neccesarily have any need to use it.

I know of several folks with Summer MLs in that situation. 

 Whoopdeedoo 23 Mar 2024
In reply to DH3631:

I gain sml and spa in 2004. I tried to switch over to dlog about 10yrs ago, but went crazy trying to add previous experience from my folder. So gave up and now I don’t record anything.

 I’m still active.

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