Opening hours

Meet on the first Wednesday of each month (See Website for all other meets)

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Last updated on 26/Jan/2017


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The Derwent Mountaineering Club is a very active club based in Derbyshire with two diarised Wednesday evenings (always followed by a good pub, to download the evenings activity and plan the non-diarised Wednesday!) and at least one Sunday meet per month. We have a well-balanced diary. This includes local and national climbing meets, with a mixture of trad, sport and bouldering, utilising our great base on the outskirts of the peak district. (follow the link to our diary
.) The club also go on weekend hut meets, where the club book sole use or partial use of climbers huts throughout the year across England, Scotland and Wales.

The other main activity’s participated in within the club (and in the diary) are Hill walking and mountaineering. We put on a range of other activities during the winter months such as night navigations, members slideshows, regular Wednesdays at the local climbing wall and winter lectures.
We have a range of ability’s and aspirations within the club with some enjoying a long diff in the mountains and others preferring a day on the local grit on mid-grade routes and some enjoying the social side of climbing more than the physical!

As a club we welcome Competent safe climbers and mountaineer’s that want to meet/climb with a great bunch of like-minded people.

The Derwent Mountaineering Club is run for the benefit of Mountaineers / Climbers in and around Derbyshire. The club only has to cover minimum running cost and
does not aim to make a profit. All DMC events / meets are organised using the club’s internal e-mail. For specific details e-mail our club secretary:

[email protected]
New People are warmly welcomed.

look-forward to climbing with you soon at a crag nearby

Dave Sargent
Climbing coordinator


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