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Last updated on 05/Jun/2014


The Carn Dearg Mountaineering Club has approximately 70 members across Scotland and the UK. Members participate in many outdoor activities including hill walking, rock climbing, winter climbing, ski touring, sea kayaking and mountain biking. The club runs regular monthly weekend trips to some of Scotland’s most spectacular mountain areas. The club’s home town is Dundee but members are now spread across Scotland and England. Most weekend meets will include members from the Edinburgh, Glasgow, Fife and Dundee areas. We are always keen to welcome new members of whatever age or experience. You are welcome to come on a couple of meets as a guest to see how you find the club.

Please get in touch with our meet secretary [email protected], via facebook or via our website

The Carn Dearg Mountaineering Club celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2009. The name “Carn Dearg” was adopted on account of the association with Glen Clova and the founder members’ affinity with the rock climbs of the Red Craigs. Carn Dearg translated from Gaelic is “Red Hill”.
Back then, the annual subscription was five shillings, and as membership prospered the Club applied for membership of the ASCC (Association of Scottish Climbing Clubs – forerunner of the Mountaineering Council of Scotland), in January 1950, and was admitted in February the same year.

New Hut:-
The club also has its own hut – located in its ‘home glen’ of Glen Clova – that has served it and many other clubs well over the years. The present hut was built in 1965 through the hard toil of club members. However after all these years of service, the old hut is in need of replacement. We are well advanced with the new hut, watch this space!


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