Old man Haston climbs 9a

As most of you probably know by now (been busy today), Stevie Haston, aged 87, has climbed his first 9a, Descente Lolitta at Grotte de Sabart in the French Pyrenées. As Haston brought his walker along for the ride, I'm not entirely sure whether this ascent is to be considered free or aid. Effort though old man!

Stevie Haston shows off his F9a project from Andy McCue on Vimeo.

I hope Stevie never reads this, or he'll come all the way to Sweden to kick my ass. If he does.. Well, grandad... bring it on! You'll be sorry you lost all that weight!

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Stevie's Athlete Page 7 posts

28 Sep, 2009
Well, my source must be wrong then... ;)
28 Sep, 2009
Yeah right, next you're gonna tell me he didn't bring his walker either, right?
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