Monkey wedding, Font 8C by Nalle Hukkataival

© Dave Graham

Nalle Hukkataival has also repeated Fred Nicole's Monkey wedding, Font 8C, in Rocklands, South Africa. This was the 8th ascent of the problem.

Nalle Hukkataival on Monkey wedding, ~8C, Rocklands, SA  © Dave Graham
Nalle Hukkataival on Monkey wedding, ~8C, Rocklands, SA
© Dave Graham

'Yesterday was a good day as I finished Fred Nicole's legendary Monkey Wedding (V15). A boulder that I had tried and got close to doing already many years ago, I'd kept it aside as one of the last remaining climbs for me in Rocklands after an unfortunate series of skin issues.'

A couple of weeks earlier, Nalle also made the 2nd ascent of Paul Robinson's new problem The Dragon's guardian, commenting that he felt it was Perhaps not quite V15 but a great hard boulder nonetheless!

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Nalle Hukkataival is one of the world's top boulderers. He has made numerous ascents of climbs in the Font 8C-8C+ and in 2016 he became the first person to climb the grade of Font 9A with the first ascent...

Nalle's Athlete Page 18 posts 4 videos

26 Jul, 2016
Nalle said 8th, previous news item says 7th for the Russian guy in the title, but sixth in the article. the list of names is now only seven deep, but i'm assuming Nalle knows his history and there is just one that has slipped everyone's mind
26 Jul, 2016
Don't understand why the big news here is the 8th ascent of a relatively old problem rather than the second ascent and suggested downgrade of Paul Robinson's recent problem The Dragon's Guardian, which took Robinson a considerable time to do. Am I missing something?
27 Jul, 2016
8C/+ is still the current state of the art, 8B is not, Nalle repeat of both climbs are more about context of the climb and Nalle's place as one of the best boulderers in the world. This is by no means to denigrate either reports or the climbers efforts, that type difficulty is mind boggling.
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