Alex Megos - Fightclub, 9bVideo

© Megos coll.

Back in August 2016, Alex Megos made the first ascent of Fight Club, 9b, in Banff National Park, near Canmore, Canada. Now there is a video. And an excellent video it is.

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Alex has risen quickly through the ranks of German climbers to become a globetrotting superstar of the modern climbing scene. His phenomenal sport climbing achievements place him as one of the most important climbers of...

Alex's Athlete Page 92 posts 12 videos

25 Apr, 2017
I didn't think it was very good. The constant downward camera angle gave a very shortened perspective which meant it was quite hard to see what the climbing and moves were like.
25 Apr, 2017
I watched it before bed and actually had a dream I climbed it. So I think it was a bloody good vid, doubt anything else will get me up a 9b in any dimension, anywhere. To be fair I then had another that I don't recall which resulted me thinking I woke up in a field naked. I actually woke up proper shouting 'where are my clothes!' with my belt in my hand (which was by the side of my bed). Not sure if this was related to the video though.
25 Apr, 2017
Any one know if "the top" (as shown being clipped in the video) was the top as originally bolted? Although mostly out of shot, it sort of looks like where he finished has perhaps some chains of QD's to effectively lower the finishing point.
25 Apr, 2017
I watched the video without sound so don't know if reference was made to this in it, but: "In anticipation of Megos' visit to Canada, Canmore climber Sonnie Trotter extended the route higher up — doubling its length and increasing its difficulty." Source: Or is that what prompted your question? ;)
25 Apr, 2017
No, I didn't know that. Not what prompted the question. What prompted the question was that the lower-off arrangement didn't appear to be the usual two bolts side by side and the cameraman seemed to be making an effort to keep the lower-off out of shot. I got, perhaps a false impression, that perhaps the route continued higher and this "send" was only as far Alex had time to project. I was wondering if there was a continuation 9b+ still to be done...
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