VIDEO - Wideboyz in the Czech Republic

© UKC News

A video has just been released of the Wideboyz - AKA Tom Randall and Pete Whittaker - from their trip to the Czech Republic. With a reputation for bold sandstone routes and gnarly climbers to go with them, Tom and Pete have to get used to the Czech style of using traditional knotted ropes and slings as protection on the soft rock.

On their Facebook page, the Boyz commented: 'Wideboyz + Knots + sandstone = all good fun (if you don't listen to the swearing from both of us!).'

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Lattice Founder and Coach, Tom Randall, has a climbing career spanning 26 years; with 20 of those also being spent coaching climbing, as well as athletics and Tae Kwon Do. Tom is a BMC Fundamentals and Physical Training...

Tom's Athlete Page 48 posts 24 videos

5 Apr, 2017
Such an interesting style of ethics and climbing; it's often easy to get sucked into the little UK bubble of climbing and forget that styles, ethics, and climbing cultures contrast so much in other countries compared to what we have here. Some would probably say it's idiocy to put yourself in such danger (the same could be argued for our bolting ethics in the UK??), whilst I'm sure others would applaud the strong ethics that make up the unique style of Czech climbing. Either way it's certainly thought provoking. Cracking video.
5 Apr, 2017
Also brings home that traditional styles of climbing and protection are not uniquely British.
5 Apr, 2017
Even more thought provoking & not mentioned, is that all the old routes would have been climbed & repeated for many years using the local carpet slippers, EB's would have been a revelation at the time.
5 Apr, 2017
I'm 100% convinced I've seen this before. Was it an extra on one of their dvds?
5 Apr, 2017
Someone at the start mentioned that they had given the routes french grades but it didn't really work, but then they used them anyway. Some of the easier routes had french tech where I was be thinking "Yeah. I can lead that no problem", quickly followed by "nope" when they hoved into view. I was thinking maybe uk trad grades might work better, then it occurred to me that with the soft rock they are probably all XS :) Does anyone have a sensible conversion chart?
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