Chris Sharma climbing Pont d'Arc, ArdècheVideo

© Chris Sharma

Back in June, Chris Sharma made the first ascent of the famous Pont d'Arc in the Ardèche. The route climbs through the middle of a stunning 50m arch, over a gentle river. Sharma decided to climb the route as a deep water solo and tentatively took falls from every 5m, to test the depth of the water. He described the route as 'one of the best routes of my life.'

It took Sharma four days to climb ground-up and is roughly 8b+. Whilst this is not anywhere near his hardest deep water solo, the spectacular line more than makes up for any lack of difficulty. Sharma has long been known for some extraordinary deep water solos, particularly his ascent in 2006 of Es Pontas; another stunning arch off the coast of Mallorca.

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Chris Sharma’s preternatural climbing ability and visionary first ascents have earned him an enduring reputation as one of the world’s best rock climbers. This American professional athlete, ambassador and...

Chris's Athlete Page 23 posts 34 videos

30 Aug, 2017
Looks like he took some pretty big falls working this project! I was stressed out just watching the footage.
30 Aug, 2017
Yup, he definitely has bigger balls than me to fall from that height.
30 Aug, 2017
Well he won't have if he messes up a landing... just a lump (or two) in the throat, maybe.
31 Aug, 2017
Bit of a shame the line doesn't either top out or complete the whole rising part of the arch.
31 Aug, 2017
Not just me then who felt a bit let down by the finish!
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