Adam Ondra onsights Just do it, 8c+

© Adam Ondra coll.

The monkey face, Smith Rock, Oregon - home to Just Do it, 8c+  © Adam Ondra coll.
The monkey face, Smith Rock, Oregon - home to Just Do it, 8c+
© Adam Ondra coll.

Adam Ondra has made the first onsight ascent of the legendary Just Do It on the Monkey face at Smith Rock, Oregon. The route was bolted by Alan Watts, attempted by several of the strongest climbers of the era and surrounded by a not so small amount of chipping controversy, before Jibé snagged the first ascent in 1992. At the time it was the hardest sport route in the USA.

Here's what Ondra wrote on IG:

Just Do It is such a iconic route, bolted by Alan Watts 1989, first ascended by JB Tribout in 1992. The first 5.14c (8c+) in America, taking the middle part of East face of Monkey Face. Extremely stoked to have done it today in the best style possible - onsight.

The route is around 40m in length and with delicate, technical climbing for the first half or so. This part is around 8a+ in itself and takes you to a good rest. From here it gets steeper and more bouldery with a couple of decent rests before the crux of the route, a 12 move sequence just before the end.

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Born in the Czech Republic, Adam Ondra has built up a decorated career since his early competitions, winning his first World Championships medal in 2009 in lead climbing. He was a favourite for Tokyo 2020 gold, but an...

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13 Nov, 2018

"Extremely stoked to have done it today in the best style possible - onsight."

Indeed. Bravo!

13 Nov, 2018

Its Ondra and everyone expects him to onsight 8C+ but amazed no one has commented, this is still big news! On sighting such a landmark route.

Growing up with sport climbing in the 80s and 90s, Just Do It was big news when it was first climbed by JBT. I remember debates about weather it was harder or easier than Hubble and how they could be compared as one was a boulder problem and the other a 40m endurance route.

(edit) just read he had a three man film crew with him to record the moment, cant wait to see the footage, but can you imagine the added pressure, not only stepping up to try an onsight of legendary route but dragging a film crew to another country to record it. 

Nice on Adam, keep on sending.

13 Nov, 2018
13 Nov, 2018

To be fair I think this is pretty much standard practice for Adam now! 

14 Nov, 2018

Probably a good warm - up,  dragging the film crew around. 

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