8c and 8A in a week by Rhoslyn Frugtniet

© Alex Shaw

Bristol-based Rhoslyn Frugtniet has had productive week ticking both her first 8A boulder problem, Team Work (f8A) in Chironico, Switzerland and her first 8c sport route, The Death Star (8c) at the Remnant, Cheddar Gorge.

Rhoslyn redpointing The Death Star 8c.  © Alex Shaw
Rhoslyn redpointing The Death Star 8c.
© Alex Shaw

Putting her crimp strength gained from successfully projecting the fingery Teamwork 8A - established by Markus Bock and Fabian Christoph - to good use, Rhoslyn returned to the UK and jumped back on her sport project.

Rhoslyn told UKC:

'I chose to start trying The Death Star as I wanted a bit of a project to keep me occupied and psyched up during the winter, and Cheddar is only 40 mins from Bristol so that worked well. I am fully aware it is not a king-line or particularly inspiring route, and there are many more beautiful 8cs in the UK and world, but this was quite convenient as options are pretty limited around Bristol!'

The Death Star is an eliminate, so Rhoslyn made sure to figure out the exact line.

'I spoke to Chris Savage (who did the FA) to figure out what was in or out. Despite this, the moves are pretty cool and it flows well. It has some really sharp, tiny crimps at the start, followed by a hard, finicky boulder with some tricky finishing moves. I think it would break down to 8a+, 7B+/C boulder and then some tricky climbing to the top. Death Star is really sustained, there are not a lot of rests on it (unless you use a kneebar, which I didn't) and the clips are hard too, and unsurprisingly for Cheddar the feet are pretty poor, it's a real power-endurance route to the top!'

Rhoslyn ticks Teamwork 8A, Chironico.  © Jacob Martin
Rhoslyn ticks Teamwork 8A, Chironico.
© Jacob Martin

Regarding her current run of good form, Rhoslyn added:

'I was pretty happy to do both my first 8A and 8c in the same month - I don't know how that happened! It was nice to have a really local hard project. I guess I can relax now on holiday (I go to Bali and Singapore tomorrow), before the sport season starts in the UK!'

Lasy year, Rhoslyn flashed 8a+ with an ascent of Face de Rat, a crimpy, technical and overhanging line in the largely blank sector of the same name at Céüse, France. She is also a member of the GB Lead and Boulder teams and hopes to compete in some international events this year.

Watch a video of Rhoslyn on Teamwork below:

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