Kendal Mountain Festival - Tom Randall InterviewVideo


In the build-up to this year's Kendal Mountain Festival, we're talking to some of the stars of the event and will hopefully be providing a snippet of what can be expected throughout the festival. In this interview, Rob Greenwood catches up with Tom Randall who's had an eventful year!

For much of post-lockdown 2020, Tom alongside Will Birkett was making regular UKC headline as they traded the record for ticking all the Classic Rock routes in the Lake District. The round (which isn't really a round) consists of 34 miles of running between 15 multi-pitch Classic Rock routes - overall there are 70 pitches up to VS with 4300m of ascent.

Eventually, the record settled with Will Birkett for the year who took 10 hours and 42 minutes, beating Tom's time of 11 hours and 10 minutes. The pair will be at Kendal Mountain Festival talking on a socially distanced panel about their summer of Classic Rock. We caught up with Tom and asked him a little about the Classic Rock Round, how he's coped combining running and climbing, and a few questions from UKC readers...

Buy your tickets here.

KMF has very kindly offered all UKC/UKH readers a unique discount for festival events.

Enter the code UKCLIMBING10 when purchasing tickets at

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Lattice Founder and Coach, Tom Randall, has a climbing career spanning 26 years; with 20 of those also being spent coaching climbing, as well as athletics and Tae Kwon Do. Tom is a BMC Fundamentals and Physical Training...

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