Practising rappelling/abseiling outdoors [London area]

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 reidalert 06 May 2024

Hi UKC, 

I'm going on a gnarly hike + climb in Sardinia in a week, and there will be a lot of abseiling/rappelling pitches on the route. 

I would like to practice beforehand to get comfortable. 

I am a casual boulderer and have done some of top rope + lead climbing over a decade ago, so my skills are quite rusty. 

I live in the Cambridge/London area, and would love to do some practice outdoors, if anyone has any recommendations for places or people to talk to. 


 Swolohan 06 May 2024
In reply to reidalert:

not outdoors - but the castle has some anchors set up on the ground floor whereyou can do some practice.

another option is to go to a park with some pull-up bars and use some slings and lockers to set up anchors there? not sure of anywhere you could actually do some abseiling though.

 oldie 06 May 2024
In reply to reidalert:

Trees in parks (wherever climbing trees is permitted eg not Kew Gardens), woods and gardens. Ideally be able to climb easily up to a suitable branch with higher branch for an anchor. Probably will only be short and but can still practise backing up, locking off etc. I've used same for trying prusik methods, passing knots etc. Needs preferably to be away from other people. I had someone come up to me in Richmond Park to dissuade me from my apparent attempt at a suicide hanging.

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