Contributed by MalcolmJack Aug/18 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,272 times

"This testing circuit of 20 problems has mostly pleasant walls and the odd slab but just to spoil it we also included the offwidth in the pit of gorilla warfare. Quite a hard circuit with six problems at V2/5c/6a." - Rockfax

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User Percentage Latest Log
1st MalcolmJack 85% 17 Nov, 2018
1st mop449 85% 16 Oct, 2023
2nd griff90 75% 25 May, 2021
3rd Charliechalk85 30% 1 Dec, 2019
4th Row 20% 7 Dec, 2022
5th Hidden 10% 27 Oct, 2019

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Joe ready to top out 'mini-prow' f5 at Curbar.

Joe ready to top out 'mini-prow' f5 at Curbar.
© RossFroggatt

Chris through the crack

Steve Clark
Chris through the crack
© Kateharrison110

George on a sunny day at Curbar

Crescent Slab Arête
George on a sunny day at Curbar
© joeramsay

Adam dispatching Steve Clark

Steve Clark
Adam dispatching Steve Clark
© Julian W

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Track Crack f4+ * 1525 ? Curbar Edge
Trackside Scoop f4+ * 1696 ? Curbar Edge
Three Pocket Wall f5+ ** 2164 ? Curbar Edge
Crackside f6A * 691 ? Curbar Edge
Side-wall Slot f6A * 1798 ? Curbar Edge
Side-wall Flake f5 * 1472 ? Curbar Edge
Side-wall Crack f4 * 1448 ? Curbar Edge
Side-wall Arête f4 * 1263 ? Curbar Edge
Crescent Slab Arête f4+ ** 1057 ? Curbar Edge
Crescent Slab f5+ * 1169 ? Curbar Edge
Diagonal f3+ * 1102 ? Curbar Edge
Steve Clark f5+ * 265 ? Curbar Edge
Back Slab f5+ * 294 ? Curbar Edge
Back Arête f5 * 312 ? Curbar Edge
Dark Wall f5+ * 242 ? Curbar Edge
Mini-Arête f4 * 1148 ? Curbar Edge
Mini Crack f4+ * 1122 ? Curbar Edge
Mini-Prow f5 ** 1190 ? Curbar Edge
Bad Landing Arête f5 * 32 ? Curbar Edge
Bad Landing Groove f5+ * 37 ? Curbar Edge
23 stars 20,027 ? 20
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