Contributed by tomdale Feb/19 - This public ticklist has been seen 4,661 times

All the routes graded French 7a and 7a+ on Portland. The list is in order going clockwise around the Isle.

Alex rocking up into the corner after the pocket traverse on Pump Hitler.  © Bisset
Alex rocking up into the corner after the pocket traverse on Pump Hitler.
© Bisset, Jun 2012

58 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Ed Babs 61% 27 May
2nd Hidden 53% 19 May
2nd Hidden 53% 14 May
3rd Hidden 45% 26 May
4th samparsons 43% 21 Apr
5th tomdale 35% 29 May
6th John Southworth 29% Aug, 2007
7th steve taylor 27% 23 May, 2009
8th tobydunford 27% 4 May
9th Phillip Hoare 26% 30 Apr

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Yan in the committing heel hook whilst flashing water wings.

Water Wings
Yan in the committing heel hook whilst flashing water wings.
© yan hawkins

Bank Holiday Bliss

Pump Hitler
Bank Holiday Bliss
© Jon_Butters

Anna stretching those fingers on mindmeld

Anna stretching those fingers on mindmeld
© Alex Turner

James Pymn on Van People 7a, Portland.
After The Send

Van People
James Pymn on Van People 7a, Portland. After The Send
© samparsons

Rusty on Superfly Guy with the a sun spotlight!

Superfly Guy
Rusty on Superfly Guy with the a sun spotlight!
© Alex Hallam

To wish the impossible

To Wish the Impossible
To wish the impossible
© Nick Brown

Matt Cousins on England's Dreaming

England's Dreaming
Matt Cousins on England's Dreaming
© Mark Alderson

Hannah Whaley on 'Jurassic Shift'

Jurassic Shift
Hannah Whaley on 'Jurassic Shift'
© After The Send

Danny Haynes punching through the fog!

Loose Cannon
Danny Haynes punching through the fog!
© After The Send

That beautiful flowstone!

England's Dreaming
That beautiful flowstone!
© Ron Yeadon

Cruising on her first 7a!

Superfly Guy
Cruising on her first 7a!
© Sam Parsons

Superfly Guy

Superfly Guy
© Rob Kennard

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Shiver Me Timbers 7a * 118 17m The Cuttings
Modern Nightmare 7a ** 385 19m The Cuttings
Unknown Arête 7a+ * 54 ? The Cuttings
Live by the Sword 7a+ ** 489 18m The Cuttings
The Mouth Waters 7a+ ** 230 16m The Cuttings
Finesse 7a * 147 17m The Cuttings
Haute Cuisine 7a+ ** 591 16m The Cuttings
The Holy Hand Grenade 7a ** 547 15m The Cuttings
Blowing the Gimp 7a+ * 87 15m The Cuttings
Mindmeld 7a+ * 467 12m The Cuttings
Bend Sinister 7a+ ** 77 10m The New Cuttings
Tipping the Scales 7a * 119 7m The New Cuttings
The Vulcanites 7a ** 145 11m The New Cuttings
Touch the Earth 7a 39 ? Lost Valley
The Martyr 7a+ ** 50 8m Lost Valley
Mono y Mono 7a+ * 4 8m Lost Valley
Bastard Crack 7a 7 6m Lost Valley
Look West & Find Salvation 7a+ * 9 6m Lost Valley
Tug on This Jody 7a * 33 10m Lost Valley
Sex, Lies and Videotape 7a * 30 7m Dungecroft Quarry
Lifesigns 7a+ 8 7m Dungecroft Quarry
Well 'ard 7a+ 22 ? Dungecroft Quarry
No Turn Unstoned 7a ** 129 ? Cheyne Cliff
Found Under Carnal Knowledge 7a * 34 20m Cheyne Cliff
Van Life 7a+ ** 31 21m Cheyne Cliff
Heartbeats 7a+ * 38 21m Cheyne Cliff
Rocket from the Crypt 7a+ ** 157 20m Cheyne Cliff
Northern Invasion 7a * 130 17m Neddyfields
Shit Route 7a * 214 17m Neddyfields
The Accelerator 7a * 816 7m Neddyfields
Resistance is Futile 7a+ * 271 13m Godnor
Bay of Peegs E5 6b ** 4 11m Beeston Cliff
The League of Gurus 7a - 9m Beeston Cliff
Konked Out 7a * - 9m Beeston Cliff
Heart Full of Nails 7a+ * - 9m Beeston Cliff
Aquaserene 7a * - 9m Beeston Cliff
Fight the Good Fight 7a+ 9 7m Beeston Cliff
Eva Luna 7a+ * 14 8m Beeston Cliff
Sea Pink 7a 12 8m Beeston Cliff
Suits you Sir! 7a 10 8m Beeston Cliff
Social Lepers 7a+ 10 8m Beeston Cliff
Tentacle Master E4 6b ** 20 10m Cave Hole
Octo Campo 7a+ ** 13 ? Cave Hole
Underwater Love 7a 1 9m Cave Hole
Staring at the Sea 7a - 9m Cave Hole
The Green Bearded Roof 7a+ 2 11m Cave Hole
Bare Reputation E4 6b *** 85 20m Cave Hole
Water Wings E4 6b ** 26 8m Cave Hole
Lunge or Plunge E5 6b * 6 10m Cave Hole
Huge Reaches E5 6b * 1 8m Cave Hole
Aquamarina E4 6b * 23 8m Cave Hole
Underlife E2 6a * 22 13m Cave Hole
Eight Inches 7a * 8 7m Cave Hole
The Big Boss 7a 2 8m Cave Hole
Ninth Wave 7a+ * 3 7m Lighthouse Area
Sugar Daddy E3 6a * 56 10m Lighthouse Area
Salty Sea Dog E4 6b * 2 ? Lighthouse Area
Red Raw 7a+ * 1 8m White Hole
Tiny Smiles 7a+ - 10m White Hole
Mirthmaid 7a+ * 6 12m White Hole
Dead in Europe 7a+ * 1 12m White Hole
Sad Young Biscuits 7a+ - 10m White Hole
The Skin Trade 7a+ * 1 10m White Hole
Obscene Gesture (Part 2) 7a+ * - 10m White Hole
The Code Breaker and the French Teacher 7a+ * 1 10m White Hole
Until the End of Man 7a ** 1 10m White Hole
Kinaesthesia 7a+ *** 5 10m White Hole
Crossing the Boundaries of Affection 7a+ * 2 10m White Hole
L'esprit du vent 7a+ ** 4 24m Coastguard South
Azymuth 7a+ ** 5 24m Coastguard South
Xistenz 7a+ * 3 24m Coastguard South
Winning at Rodeo 7a *** 52 24m Coastguard South
Time Bomb 7a ** 15 24m Coastguard South
An Ideal for Living 7a+ ** 12 24m Coastguard South
Forget Columbus 7a+ *** 33 25m Coastguard South
Under the Sky, Inside the Sea 7a ** 23 25m Coastguard South
Quick as Rainbows 7b *** 24 23m Coastguard South
Forensic Scene 7a+ ** 6 24m Coastguard South
Drive Blind 7a ** 7 23m Coastguard South
Smashing Orange 7a ** 9 23m Coastguard South
A Bird in the Hand 7a+ 1 24m Coastguard South
Lip Service 7a * 10 25m Coastguard South
A Meeting of Minds 7a+ - 23m Coastguard South
Bad Moon Rising 7a+ *** 80 25m Coastguard South
Actions Speak Louder 7a+ * 5 24m Coastguard South
Skyscraper 7a * 17 25m Coastguard South
Midnight Oil 7a * 29 17m Coastguard North
Van People 7a ** 170 22m Coastguard North
Superfly Guy 7a *** 530 22m Coastguard North
Girl Power 7a+ ** 99 22m Coastguard North
Sand Castles 7a+ 5 17m Coastguard North
100% Columbian 7a+ * 12 19m Coastguard North
Jazz It Up 7a+ * - 15m Wallsend South
1789 7a ** 65 25m Wallsend South
Chert Noble 7a+ * 6 25m Wallsend South
Rapid Response 7a * 19 25m Wallsend South
Walking on Sunshine 7a *** 35 15m Wallsend South
Flipper's Revenge 7b * 6 15m Wallsend South
Dogtown Skate Team 7b ** 3 27m Wallsend South
Black'll do Nicely 7a+ * 4 28m Wallsend South
Bob's Gold Run 7a+ ** 11 28m Wallsend South
Reverence 7a+ *** 244 28m Wallsend South
Tea Cakes Calling 7a * 71 28m Wallsend South
Some Velvet Morning 7a * 27 ? Wallsend South
Shibumi 7a * 15 27m Wallsend South
River of Dreams 7a - 16m Wallsend South
Son of Mustang Ford 7a * 11 24m Wallsend South
Sang Chaud 7a+ *** 47 22m Wallsend South
Laughing Peter 7a+ ** 16 20m Wallsend South
Vin Chaud 7a ** 134 21m Wallsend South
On a Desert Island Beach 7a+ ** 14 21m Wallsend South
Coconut Milk 7a+ ** 35 20m Wallsend South
The Bigger Piece 7a+ ** 55 30m Wallsend South
Wonderful 7a+ ** 8 18m Wallsend North
Under Crimson Skies 7a+ * 2 20m Wallsend North
And the Boot Sails By 7a 4 19m Wallsend North
Hate Crime 7a+ * 6 17m Wallsend North
Hallelujah 7a * 27 20m Wallsend North
Up on the Hill 7a * 33 20m Wallsend North
So You Want to Be Happy 7a+ 2 20m Wallsend North
Scooby Snacks 7a ** 69 20m Wallsend North
Love Street 7a 4 12m Wallsend North
Band of Pain 7a+ 2 12m Wallsend North
So Shoot Me 7a+ * 5 20m Wallsend North
Live Now, Pay Later 7a+ * 1 15m Wallsend North
Ecstasy 7a+ * - 15m Wallsend North
Acid Jazz Disco 7a *** 144 20m Wallsend North
Alberta Balsam 7a * 48 19m Wallsend North
Going Blank Again 7b * 9 17m Wallsend North
Treachery 7a+ * 11 17m Wallsend North
Old Painless 7a+ 5 17m Wallsend North
Dead Man's Click 7a 2 14m Wallsend North
Stay on Target 7a 2 13m Wallsend North
Holding the Zero 7a * 14 12m Wallsend North
Sniper in the Brain 7a * 6 13m Wallsend North
Sergeant Ford's Roving Truncheon E3 6a 4 25m Wallsend North
Dodo's Revenge 7a ** 21 11m Wallsend North
Portsea Road 7a * 30 13m Wallsend North
Alpenglow 7a+ ** 57 12m Wallsend North
RP Screamers 7a * 65 10m Wallsend North
Right Little Slapper 7a+ 10 8m Wallsend North
Psychic EMF 7a+ ** 141 20m Battleship Back...
The Cones of Stress 7a+ 4 20m Battleship Back...
Project 'A' 7a * 51 17m Battleship Back...
Big Fish 7a 44 17m Battleship Back...
Wave Dodging 7a * 35 19m Battleship Back...
Koenig Class 7a+ * 103 16m Battleship Back...
Jurassic Shift 7a ** 547 27m Battleship Back...
Pump Hitler 7a+ *** 494 26m Battleship Back...
Dreams Burn Down 7a+ ** 95 27m Battleship Back...
Flickhead Goes Boing, Boing 7a * 45 14m Battleship Edge
Coastguard Ron 7a * 67 8m Battleship Edge
Humanoid 7a+ ** 94 17m Battleship Edge
Art For Art's Sake 7a+ * 27 ? Battleship Edge
Trance Dance 7a * 62 16m Battleship Edge
On the Wall 7a+ ** 61 16m Battleship Edge
A Taste of Honey 7a+ * 26 ? Battleship Edge
Master of Ape Science 7a+ ** 53 16m Battleship Edge
Hipnition 7a * 36 16m Battleship Edge
Blood Simple 7a * 19 17m Battleship Edge
No me Comas el Coco 7a ** 199 18m Battleship Edge
Norfolk Coast 7a+ * 26 18m Battleship Edge
Reve d'un Corbeau 7a * 143 20m Battleship Edge
Barbed Wire Kisses 7a+ ** 204 19m Battleship Edge
Victims of Fashion 7a+ *** 495 18m Battleship Edge
Wurlitzer Jukebox 7a+ * 49 18m Battleship Edge
Bilboes 7a * 118 13m Battleship Edge
Bawdy House 7a 21 16m Battleship Edge
Silage Clamp 7a+ * 12 15m Battleship Edge
The Black Pariah 7a * 9 13m Battleship Edge
Master of the Rolls 7a+ ** 97 20m Blacknor Far South
Boom-Boom Boom Box 7a+ * 12 ? Blacknor Far South
Look on the Bright Side 7a+ * 5 20m Blacknor Far South
Mechanoids 7a ** 140 20m Blacknor Far South
Wax on Wheels 7a+ ** 54 22m Blacknor Far South
Crown of Thorns 7a+ ** 36 21m Blacknor Far South
Great Barrier Reef 7a+ ** 91 22m Blacknor Far South
The Strobolising Scyphostoma 7a+ ** 116 20m Blacknor Far South
Kendo Nagasaki 7a+ ** 137 20m Blacknor Far South
UK Subs 7a+ ** 46 17m Blacknor Far South
Chaos UK 7a+ ** 51 17m Blacknor Far South
Bushwhacked 7a+ ** 73 17m Blacknor Far South
The Singing Bush 7a+ ** 85 16m Blacknor Far South
An Arse With a View 7a * 21 15m Blacknor Far South
Castle Anthrax 7a * 11 15m Blacknor Far South
Cute Ass 7a * 83 22m Blacknor South
Kite Marks 7a * 22 ? Blacknor South
Loose Cannon 7a ** 106 22m Blacknor South
The Oldest Profession 7a ** 155 22m Blacknor South
Kamikaze Moped 7a * 91 22m Blacknor South
Psychosomatic Addict 7a+ ** 195 20m Blacknor South
To Wish the Impossible 7a *** 896 20m Blacknor South
Medusa Falls 7a *** 825 15m Blacknor South
Slither 7a+ * 35 ? Blacknor South
Draper's Henchmen 7b * 33 12m Blacknor South
Pining for Glossop 7a ** 275 15m Blacknor South
Sacred Angel 7a ** 867 15m Blacknor South
Dirty Cow 7a * 59 15m Blacknor South
Step away from the Gingga 7a * 93 25m Blacknor Central
Through the Barricades 7a+ ** 217 27m Blacknor Central
Last Rose of Summer 7a ** 348 28m Blacknor Central
The Shells, The Shells 7a * 69 28m Blacknor Central
Screw the Roses, Send me the Thorns 7a+ * 69 28m Blacknor Central
Dusty Bedrock in need of Careful Preparation 7a+ * 30 32m Blacknor Central
Grand Larceny 7a+ 10 28m Blacknor Central
Portland Heights 7a *** 427 28m Blacknor Central
Cybernetic Orchard 7a+ ** 81 28m Blacknor Central
Sniffin' Glue 7a+ * 8 26m Blacknor Central
Dizzy up the Girl 7a+ ** 17 28m Blacknor Central
Niagara Wall 7a * 4 26m Blacknor Central
Blame it on the Drain 7a+ * 1 26m Blacknor Central
Mexican Stand-off 7a+ ** 43 25m Blacknor Central
Solstice Arête 7a ** 22 26m Blacknor Central
Viper's Tale 7a+ * 10 23m Blacknor Central
Suenos de España 7a+ ** 8 25m Blacknor Central
The Stals on Me Pal 7a 7 20m Blacknor Central
Whilst the Cat's Away 7a+ * 41 22m Blacknor Central
That Honeycomb Centre 6c+ * 59 20m Blacknor Central
Onto the Ice Flow 7a * 119 20m Blacknor North
Hot From the Forge 7a * 80 20m Blacknor North
England's Dreaming 7a+ *** 967 21m Blacknor North
Edge Hog 7a+ 19 22m Blacknor North
Appleturnoverload 7a+ ** 398 22m Blacknor North
Wolfgang Forever 7a ** 739 22m Blacknor North
Sanfte Kuss 7a+ * 84 20m Blacknor North
Is Vic There? 7a ** 473 21m Blacknor North
Skin Flick 7c+ 8 ? Blacknor North
Ironhead 7a+ ** 49 23m Blacknor North
Henry Rollins for President 7a+ 6 17m Blacknor North
Beer and Corruption 7a * 71 17m Blacknor North
Where's Blue Hippo 7a+ * 9 16m Blacknor North
Death of Cool 7a+ * 7 22m Blacknor North
Quakin' in My Bones 7a+ ** 18 16m Blacknor North
Meltdown 7a ** 83 16m Blacknor North
Slim Fingers' Revenge 7a * 20 12m Blacknor North
Still Falling 7a 1 ? Tout Quarry
Ascension 7a 1 6m Tout Quarry
43 e, 308 stars 20,998 3,929m 237
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