Big Saturday for Stanage - Ned Feehally & Ryan Pasquill

© Keith Sharples
Whilst some think Team America have taken the Gritstone by storm - downgrading everything in sight, others rest easy knowing that UK climbers such as Ned Feehally and Ryan Pasquill are quietly flying the flag and making hard, bold ascents of some of the best routes on grit and in the ground-up style.

They're not the only ones. The UK climbing scene is going strong. Top young climbers are pushing through the ranks and older, wiser grit-masters are still out there, showing what is possible with sloping holds and freezing conditions.

Ned reports some of his activities from last Saturday (with photo) on the Big Stone Blog, the highlights of which are pasted below:

"...we met up with Ryan Pasquill and did Shine On (E7 6C) ground up above pads, he then did Cemetery Waits (also E7 6C) in the same style... ...After this we headed over to Silk – an old Dawes E5 6C (which he on sighted in EBs back in the day - hero!!)... ...Finally I finished off the day by doing Careless Torque (ground up, of course) [Highball Font 8A / Old school E6/7 7a ]..."

You can read more about Ned Feehally on his site:

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Ryan Pasquill is perhaps one of the best all-round climbers in the UK, and is known for his understated style, completing many climbs on-site or ground up. His impressive tick list includes Sleepy Hollow (E10, 7a), Gerty...

Ryan's Athlete Page 16 posts 2 videos

26 Nov, 2008
awesome! My friend did The Knock that day you can catch him making cakes at the Foundry!-)
26 Nov, 2008
Is it me does their 'BeastMaker' site & blog make absolutely no sense? It seems to written in some Cryptic Peakesk language only to be understood by those who think using ropes on stuff that is less than 10m is 'a joke'.
26 Nov, 2008
Fires not EBs for Dawes on Silk, not that that takes much away from the ascent of course.
26 Nov, 2008
Loved the font grades for different deadhangs. That's reductionism.
26 Nov, 2008
Fantastic, managed to watch the careless torque ascent while bimbling around on crescent arete. Really amazing to see, and also made it look really easy.
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