Hazel Findlay on Risk & Trifecta MiddleFri Night Vid Double

© Andy Stowe

For this week's Friday Night Video we bring you two very contrasting videos. The first features top British trad climber Hazel Findlay, talking about her relationship with risk and climbing. The second video shows Dan Smith repeating Chris Sharma's Trifecta Middle, 8B, at Flock Hill.

The first video features Hazel Findlay talking about 'risk' and what role it plays within her own climbing experience. This is the fifth in a series by Black Diamond. Previous episodes have featured; Alex Honnold, Samuel Anthamatten, Conrad Anker, and Joe Kinder.

The second video shows British ex-pat, Dan Smith, making the 2nd ascent of Chris Sharma's Trifecta Middle, 8B at Flock Hill in New Zealand. You can read more about Dan climbing the problem in the UKC News Report.


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Hazel Findlay has been climbing for 25 of her 31 years, and started out trad climbing on the limestone sea cliffs of Pembrokeshire. She dabbled in competition climbing - she was the British junior champion six...

Hazel's Athlete Page 64 posts 10 videos

20 Jul, 2014
Hazel F telling it like it is. Good on her. jcm
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