Another Great New Sport Crag in Leonidio - Greece

© Bernie Ruech

Austrian climbers Angela Eiter and Bernie Ruech have developed a new high-grade sport crag near to Leonidio, Greece . The crag - named Nifada - now has a range of 14 single and multi-pitch routes from 7a to 8c/+.

The area close to Leonidio is dotted with tufa-dripping limestone, and has been the scene of fast-paced crag development for the last couple of years. Brit James Pearson has been in on the act, as well as a whole host of other climbers.

Looking for a new holiday destination? Check out these two websites with more info:

Back to Angy and Bernie's new crag - Angy filled us in: 

"Unlike our normal climbing trips, this February Bernie and I aimed to establish a new climbing crag at Kosmas, near to Leonidio. Cold weather forced us to leave and we returned in May.

Angy on Baum des Lebens 8c/+  © Bernie Ruech
Angy on Baum des Lebens 8c/+
© Bernie Ruech

"When we arrived at the crag we searched for the most inspiring lines that seemed manageable. While Bernie had already bolted some routes in the past, I was excited to place some bolts for the first time and create an entirely new route.

Bergsteigerkante 8a  © Bernie Ruech
Bergsteigerkante 8a
© Bernie Ruech

"It was great and thrilling at the same time to take the first steps on our routes. We tried to find the rhythm of the lines by checking out each individual move. Surprisingly, we completed all our 14 routes quite fast. Both Bernie and I made seven first ascents each. The varied climbing was so motivating that I eventually managed to climb all the routes.

"It was a privilege to give each route a special name. For instance, the route "In memo Martin" and the extension of it "CAC" will remind us of our friend, who battled cancer and those who are still battling against the disease. The route "Baum des Lebens" gets its name from the thick tufa at the beginning and the thin tufas through the top, which make it look like a tree trunk with branches. This is currently the hardest line at our crag.

"We have named our crag "Nifada". Further information is now available on our topo."

Der Igel schlägt zurück 7c+  © Bernie Ruech
Der Igel schlägt zurück 7c+
© Bernie Ruech



Nifada Topo  © Bernie Ruech / Angela Eiter
Nifada Topo
© Bernie Ruech / Angela Eiter

Nifada Routes
© Bernie Ruech / Angela Eiter

Nifada Access  © Bernie Ruech / Angela Eiter
Nifada Access
© Bernie Ruech / Angela Eiter

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