WideBoyz MinionsFriday Night Video

© Hot Aches / BMCTV

A banana on the First Fruit Ascent (FFA) of Master's Edge  © joemallia
A banana on the First Fruit Ascent (FFA) of Master's Edge
© joemallia, Feb 2012
At what point do you decide things are getting out of control:

When you climb E7?


When you climb the same E7 again??

Still no...

When you climb the E7 again and again, but this time a) dressed as animals b) dressed as bananas c) dressed as women d) wearing afat suit e) adorned in WW1 memorabilia (inc. gas mask).

No, still all perfectly normal...

Tom Randall and Pete Whittaker's yearly ascent of The Master's Edge (E7 6c)has upped the ante year on year and after the list above it's hard to know where they'd take it next. Low and behold, they've done it - blow upMinion suits (why didn't I think of it...).

So sit back, enjoy, and wonder where on earth it's all going to go next year.

Missing video!

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Lattice Founder and Coach, Tom Randall, has a climbing career spanning 26 years; with 20 of those also being spent coaching climbing, as well as athletics and Tae Kwon Do. Tom is a BMC Fundamentals and Physical Training...

Tom's Athlete Page 48 posts 24 videos

19 Feb, 2016
Brilliant stuff Tom and Pete! From a bygone era but howsabout the Teletubbies next year... 😉
19 Feb, 2016
Next year it has to be a pantomime horse.
19 Feb, 2016
Hahahahahahhahaha! What a laugh so funny I'm curled up here #yolo #epic #banter #climbingisserioussobesuretopissaboutoncragsdressedasanannoyingfictionalcharacter
22 Feb, 2016
Sadly disappointed - those were people in costumes. I though they were real at first. Disillusioned.... But brilliant, nevertheless
22 Feb, 2016
These guys are a joyous breath of fresh air. That cut into them walking into Millstone made me almost wet myself.
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