Chris Sharma in ArubaFri Night Vid

© UKC News

Chris Sharma has uploaded another video to his recently launched YouTube channel. This time, he's exploring the Dutch Caribbean island of Aruba with his wife Jimena. Chris swaps climbing shoes for flip flops on occasion and discovers some weird-shaped boulders and stunning sea caves.

'Almost three years ago I met an amazing, beautiful woman named Jimena who has changed my life for the better in so many ways. Our journey brought us to the beautiful island of Aruba where we explored some amazing off the grid climbing.'

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Chris Sharma’s preternatural climbing ability and visionary first ascents have earned him an enduring reputation as one of the world’s best rock climbers. This American professional athlete, ambassador and...

Chris's Athlete Page 23 posts 34 videos

13 Aug, 2016
Wow - all that AND the girl. Can't wait for someone to make a spoof.
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