My Mountain Life tour with Simon Yates

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 Simon Yates 02 Sep 2021

It was an experience that could have put many off mountaineering - but not Simon.  Since that fateful expedition in 1985 to Siula Grande in Peru, he has completed 75 mountaineering expeditions outside of Europe.  An epic story of survival retold in Joe Simpson’s best-selling book Touching the Void, a BAFTA award-winning film and a West End stage play of the same name.  

Simon is still a very active exploratory climber and guide, and has climbed in some of the most remote and rarely explored mountain ranges in the world. Simon will talk about first ascents from the high Himalayas to mountain ranges in Alaska, Chilean Tierra Del Fuego and Eastern Greenland.

He will share the drama, excitement and beauty of modern, lightweight alpinism.  All told with wit, dry humour and lavishly illustrated with images and video collected on his climbs.

“Simon is a totally engaging speaker, who both entertains and inspires.”

Starting September to November 2021 - with most dates rescheduled from 2020. #Chesterfield #Sale #Hartford #Thetford #Saltburn #Burton-upon-Trent #Cirencester #Taunton #WhitleyBay #Salisbury

Please contact [email protected] if you have a venue or event for 2022

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