New Bouldering Centre for Manchester

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BlocHaus Climbing 13 Oct 2020

premier post photo

Coming early in 2021 is a new bouldering centre in east Manchester.

Stay Tuned - We will be sharing information on the build in the usual ways...   ~ & ~

Get in Touch - To let us know what you would like to see in the finished facility, if you are interested in employment opportunities or for anything else email us at   [email protected]   or reply to this post.

Thanks for viewing!

 George Frisby 13 Oct 2020
In reply to BlocHaus Climbing:

Boulders which you can top out onto would be great!

 TheGeneralist 16 Oct 2020
In reply to George Frisby:

How weird is that.  I was just about to write that given the Germanicised name I trust that they are going to do the right thing and make the boulders toppable outable like they do in German Halle.

Seems like such an obvious way to hoist your wall above the standard level.  My knees really wish you would.

 FactorXXX 17 Oct 2020
In reply to TheGeneralist:

> How weird is that.  I was just about to write that given the Germanicised name I trust that they are going to do the right thing and make the boulders toppable outable like they do in German Halle.
> Seems like such an obvious way to hoist your wall above the standard level.  My knees really wish you would.

Wouldn't they have to be lower so as to prevent falls from over a certain height as stipulated in the appropriate standards?

 Red Rover 17 Oct 2020
In reply to FactorXXX:

It would still be worth it to allow you to practice topping out.

J1234 17 Oct 2020
In reply to FactorXXX:

That's interesting, is that why you cannot top out at bouldering walls.

How do people get down from this German wall that's mentioned.

I vote for a slide.

Post edited at 10:05
 TheGeneralist 17 Oct 2020
In reply to J1234:

Balcony at the top and then little step Ladders inside the wall.  Makes a huge difference to technique and how shagged your knees get.

 TheGeneralist 17 Oct 2020
In reply to J1234:

The ironic thing of course is that bouldering in the UK generally involves topouts and bouldering in Germany generally doesn't. And yet with walls it is the opposite.

 lizard-16-07 17 Oct 2020
In reply to BlocHaus Climbing:

Whereabouts in east Manchester is it going to be?

 4291 18 Oct 2020
In reply to lizard-16-07:


 Andy Hardy 18 Oct 2020
In reply to FactorXXX:

> Wouldn't they have to be lower so as to prevent falls from over a certain height as stipulated in the appropriate standards?

I went to a wall in Tonbridge Wells that had a "toppable" boulder in the middle, plus a side wall that topped out into a balcony / changing area.

 lizard-16-07 18 Oct 2020
In reply to 4291:

Great, thanks

 deepsoup 18 Oct 2020
In reply to TheGeneralist:

> ..and then little step Ladders inside the wall.

Where's the fun in that?  Take a tip from the Climbing Works - build in a slide.

In reply to BlocHaus Climbing:

Put in a kilter board!! You will have our allegiance 

 steveriley 20 Oct 2020
In reply to BlocHaus Climbing:

Boulder Hut has both top out boulder and a slide. Funnily enough I made a note to myself recently to top out more - I've become a deadly combination of weak and inflexible, and found wanting at the top of several boulder problems lately

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