Win a valuable book, whisky or cake & aid Nepal.

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 Linda Orritt 18 Oct 2020

Tickets are £5 per strip & all proceeds go to Community Action Nepal. The draw will be made on 01/12/20 by Paul Braithwaite ( trustee)

Prizes are a multi signed Everest book, a Single Malt Bowmore Whisky , a homemade cake, and chocolate brownies. 
I intend adding prizes as we approach December. 
mailto ‘[email protected]’ for how to pay and allocation of ticket numbers. Good Luck. 

OP Linda Orritt 18 Oct 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt:

Cake anyone?

 louiswain 19 Oct 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt:

Email sent re: tickets



OP Linda Orritt 23 Oct 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt:

There are many raffle tickets available. Please buy a strip or two. 

OP Linda Orritt 24 Oct 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt:

The George Band Everest book is in beautiful condition and a first edition. Signed by ten talented mountaineers. See photos. 
raffle tickets still available- please buy some? 

 andrewm1000 25 Oct 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt: email sent re raffle tickets. Regards Andrew

OP Linda Orritt 26 Oct 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt:

Five pounds has appeared in my bank. If it’s for raffle tickets I don’t know who it’s from. I can’t allocate five tickets without knowing. 
Tell me please “M and M“

OP Linda Orritt 01 Nov 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt:

Thank you again to all who have bought tickets. As a little incentive/ gift I’m giving away a chalk ball and a rock brush to the person whose ticket number is 400. Please keep buying to get there. 

 Babika 02 Nov 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt:

I was lucky enough to go to Nepal in 2019. I can't imagine how the country is managing this year without its main source of income. 

Well done Linda for your efforts. Very happy to support. 

Ps the prizes look great  

OP Linda Orritt 02 Nov 2020
In reply to Babika:

Thank you. I went last Year too. I’m in regular contact with David Durkan who runs Mountain People. They build schools up and shelters, and provide food under their ‘buy a bag of rice’ scheme and also blankets. He told me that the Nepali are starving- it’s heartbreaking. 

OP Linda Orritt 09 Nov 2020

Update - the person who bought the number 400 raffle ticket is not a climber. Therefore the chalk ball and brush on offer to the buyer of ticket number 400 has now been ‘moved’ to the buyer of tkt no 500. Please keep buying raffle tickets to win this or one of the other prizes? 

 metrorat 10 Nov 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt:

I got a few rows of tickets and randomly won a chalk bag and brush! 😀

 Babika 12 Nov 2020
In reply to metrorat:

> I got a few rows of tickets and randomly won a chalk bag and brush! 😀

I thought it was due to be drawn 1 December? Should I chuck my tickets away? 

OP Linda Orritt 12 Nov 2020
In reply to Babika:

Noooo it was a ‘tempter’ prize for whoever was at tkt no 400. He was the closest ‘climber’ to 400 so I posted the gift. 
it will be drawn on the first of December. 
so plenty of time to buy more tickets folks- please. 

OP Linda Orritt 14 Nov 2020

Adding, for free, as an extra raffle prize my signed Cerro Torre postcard - signed by Pete Crew, Martin Boysen, Mick Burke and Dougal Haston.
Dougal HASTON!!  One of the two first British climbers to summit Everest in 1975. This signed card is being sold on eBay for over £50, sometimes much more. ( see photo)
Please buy some raffle tickets and be in with a chance of winning? And thanks to all who have bought already  

 Herdwickmatt 14 Nov 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt:

You got a link for the Mountain People charity?

 Herdwickmatt 15 Nov 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt:

Thanks when I googled it, it came up with a few different charities. 

OP Linda Orritt 15 Nov 2020
In reply to Herdwickmatt:

I’m friends with David Durkan who runs mountain people. Beni is his wife. If I can be of any further help please email me? 

OP Linda Orritt 17 Nov 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt:

There is still plenty of time to buy tickets. A fivers worth gives you 5 chances to win prizes worth over £50 each. The draw will not be made until the first of December. Please email me for bank details. Thanks. Linda 🙏

OP Linda Orritt 19 Nov 2020
In reply to Babika:

My unicef worker friend is presently in Nepal. He says it’s dire over there, no work and therefore no income. There are people still displaced by the 2015 earthquake who cannot get given food as they have no address. The charity workers are taking rice to them away from the police eyes. 
I took this photo last year of a house obliterated by that earthquake- I’ve only just noticed the vulture on it........

OP Linda Orritt 23 Nov 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt:

Photo of the prizes to date. Also offering a home made cake of choice and chocolate brownies. Double chocolate!! 
Please buy some tickets there are a few days left before the raffle is drawn. 

Post edited at 16:45

OP Linda Orritt 28 Nov 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt:

Just to let you know that this premier post finishes/expires on Tuesday. Paul Braithwaite will make the draw on Tuesday the first. He will do so in the morning and I will post the winning tickets on here immediately after. Plus I will email the winners. First ticket drawn chooses first, 2nd chooses next etc. Please email me if you want to see the winning numbers and you miss it on here on Tuesday. Good luck to all who have bought tickets and there are still some left if you would like a strip. 

OP Linda Orritt 29 Nov 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt:

Blueberry yoghurt cake, fresh and warm from the oven - oh and Champagne, just two of the prizes in the charity raffle  ( which will be drawn in just two days) 

OP Linda Orritt 29 Nov 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt:

Cake and champers

Post edited at 14:01
OP Linda Orritt 30 Nov 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt:

All tickets sold, separated,  and folded ready for tomorrow’s draw by Tut Braithwaite  
The photo shows 1000 tickets in a deep bag. 
£1000 !! raised for Community Action Nepal. Thank you to all who have bought some and good luck to all. 

 Babika 30 Nov 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt:

Am I too late? Have sent some money for tickets tonight.......

OP Linda Orritt 01 Dec 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt:

Paul Braithwaite drew the raffle this morning. There are ten winning tickets. Please make your choice of prize by the order in which they were drawn. The first ticket drawn was number 860, then number 424, then number 58, then 552, then 30, then 440, then 530, then 959, then 371, and lastly 183. Please see photo. 
prizes are ;- 

Multi signed George Band Everest book

Bowmore single malt whisky 

Moet Chandon champagne 

Cerro Torre expedition postcard signed by the 4 members. 
Climbers photo montage and a list of who they are! 
Home made cake of choice

Chocolate brownies 

The Last Great Mountain book by Mick Conefrey

Penguins on Everest by David Durkan

Touching the Void h/b book. Joe Simpson 

Can you please email me to make your choice and I can tell you what’s gone as they have been chosen. 
Thank you for all your help in raising £1000 for Community Action Nepal. Doug, Paul and Sir Chris are all amazed and thankful too. 

OP Linda Orritt 01 Dec 2020
In reply to Linda Orritt:

The prizes. Plus cake and brownies 

Removed User 27 Jan 2021

My husband who left me is back with me with the help of ( Robinson. buckler) you can reach for his help through his name on Google search..

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