Genussklettern Österreich Mitte

Genussklettern Österreich Mitte
Author Axel Jentzsch-Rabl, Andreas Jentsch
Published Alpinverlag Jentzsch-Rabl (2005)
ISBN 3-9500920-2-1



Colourful topo guide to multi-pitch sport routes in central Austria, from the Wilder Kaiser in the west through the Berchtesgadener and Salzburger Alps to the Totesgebirge in the east. Emphasis firmly on modern recently bolted routes; classics from the days before bolts are not covered.

The first edition described here has now been replaced by the larger second edition, which also contains includes a CD of topos.

The authors are also responsible for the web site , Austria's biggest climbing and ski-touring web site.

Crags covered by this Guide
Bavaria crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Untersberg 37 Limestone all
Salzburg crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Hochkönig 10 Limestone all
Little Verdon 30 Limestone S
Platte Unterm Dach 7 Limestone W
Tennengebirge 25 Limestone all
Torsäule 17 Limestone all
Urlkopf Plaisirwand 22 Limestone S
Tyrol crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Bauernpredigstuhl 4 Limestone all
Fleischbank 24 Limestone all
Kopfkraxen 4 Limestone all
Totenkirchl 25 Limestone all

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