Contributed by Lucas De Ridder Feb/19 - This public ticklist has been seen 579 times

All the routes that i'm psyched to try during the comp teams Easter trip.

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1st Lucas De Ridder 72% Apr, 2023

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Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

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Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Senteur vanille 6c - ? Seynes
Au nom du père 7a *** 73 ? Seynes
Niafunké 7a ** 27 ? Seynes
Dinosaure (P1) 7a+ *** 23 ? Seynes
Egocentrique 6b+ 2 ? Seynes
Ça chauffe 6b+ *** 45 ? Seynes
T'es haut Théo 5c 5 ? Seynes
Hailey 7a * 3 ? Seynes
Makanbo 7a+ 1 ? Seynes
Masculin Feminin 7b+ ** 14 ? Seynes
L'avant dinosaure 7c ** 5 ? Seynes
16 stars 198 ? 11
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