Contributed by MalcolmJack Sep/18 - This public ticklist has been seen 753 times

"A short circuit of just 15 problems which includes most of the described green problems up here. It is worth keeping in mind that the rock is often dusty so care should be taken since most of these problems will see few ascents." - Rockfax

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Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Moe's Meander f3+ * 18 ? Kinder Southern...
Nertsery Crack f3+ * 10 ? Kinder Southern...
Butter Scoop f4+ ** 10 ? Kinder Southern...
Pancake Wall f3+ * 10 ? Kinder Southern...
Pancake Edge f3+ * 20 ? Kinder Southern...
Haahoo f4 * 8 ? Kinder Southern...
Og-Pog f3+ * 8 ? Kinder Southern...
The Runnel f3+ * 16 ? Kinder Southern...
Jaws f3+ * 15 ? Kinder Southern...
The Edge of Love f3+ * 10 ? Kinder Southern...
Phi Phi f4+ * 12 ? Kinder Southern...
Hidden Paradise f4+ ** 9 ? Kinder Southern...
Baltra Flake f4+ * 8 ? Kinder Southern...
Isabela Slab f3+ * 6 ? Kinder Southern...
Grapsus f4 * 6 ? Kinder Southern...
17 stars 166 ? 15
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