Across the Sound - Running the Jura Fell Race RouteVideo

© Scottish Athletics

Off the west coast of Scotland lies the wilderness of Jura. Accessible only by boat, the weather-beaten island is home to the legendary Jura fell race; a 28km route over rugged and beautiful terrain.

This short film follows young hill runner Louis as he travels from his home on the Kellis Peninsula to the island of Jura to run the route of the fell race. It takes in 7 summits and 2370m of climbing, with the high points being the Paps: Beinn an Òir, Beinn Shiantaidh and Beinn a' Chaolais.

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4 Nov, 2020

Wonderful race, oddly tearful watching it having missed it the last two years. Except for the last 6km on the road back to the start, they are just are brutal.

5 Nov, 2020

Brought back my running of the race, though he made it look a lot easier than I found it. Only consolation was beating Mick Fowler.

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