The Ticklist: IFSC World Cup comes to the UK

© Lena Drapella/IFSC

In this week's episode of The Ticklist, Rob Greenwood runs us through the Lead World Cup which took place last weekend in Ratho, Scotland. The competition was full of nail-biting moments, particularly when some of the top competitors ran the clock down to the final seconds...

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14 Sep, 2022

Not that random bloke sat by a crag again! In fact, has he moved from last week?

Same bloke, different crag 😅

14 Sep, 2022

Seems like ˋSlovinnia‘ is catching on! Matt G. started it, but someone seemed to have taken him aside before he commented in Koper, where he finally got it rhyming with Armenia.

Nice roundup of 2 exciting comps though!

I think I was concentrating so hard at not mispronouncing peoples names that I failed entirely within something I shouldn’t have failed at in the first place 🤦‍♂️

Really was incredible how close each of the comps was, with both coming down virtually to zero seconds on the clock. Don’t think that’s happened before, at least not in both men’s and women’s. Wonder what the rest of the season has in store?!

14 Sep, 2022

I did a genu-lol at the speed climbing bit.

(it’s funny cos it’s true etc)

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