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arran ridges
© gregk
Camera used: Canon EOS 5D
Date taken: 2nd June 2010
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VOTING: from 117 votes
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User Comments

Nice one - really like it
Brian - 24/Sep/10
thanks, going back up there for a week in nov and will haul my ass up there for a sunrise in the same spot. it'll light up cir mhor a treat.
gregk - 24/Sep/10
V nice :)
From Caisteal Abhail?
Mike-W-99 - 24/Sep/10
yes, its a nice little scramble via the witches step from glen sannox, there's an abseil but its by passable. its a belting place.
gregk - 24/Sep/10
Yeah, canny one indeed. Fellow CFF member I do believe ;-)
Duncan_Andison - 24/Sep/10
ah yes, well spotted - 'toonartist'?
gregk - 24/Sep/10
That's me.. Good to see you over here!
Duncan_Andison - 25/Sep/10
Mick Ward - 25/Sep/10
Amazing shot! I`m looking at the broken crag on the right and thinking that i can fit in between the blocks for a shuffle to the top?
chris74 - 26/Sep/10
That's a superb photo. Really clear good lighting
sdgreen - 26/Sep/10
This is by far the best Landscape shot, i've ever had the pleasure of viewing. Has to be a five!
halo - 27/Sep/10
does this image use HDR editing, or photoshop
Alex Slipchuk - 27/Sep/10
Brilliant.......amazing lighting...
tutbury - 28/Sep/10
thanks for the comments. @ zipworld this isn't hdr its been sharpened in cs5 and had some minor tidying up and a slight increase in contrast through levels and curves. i use a polariser and graduated neutral density filters.
gregk - 28/Sep/10
I camped on the summit a few weeks ago and got some nice shots of the sunrise on Cir Mhor - I will eventually get round to posting them here (give you something to look forward to!). Oh... brilliant shot by the way!
Cobbler - 30/Sep/10
Congratulations! This photo was chosen as Photo of the Week, based on votes by registered users over the past 7 days.
UKC Photos - 03/Oct/10
mark mcgowan01 - 03/Oct/10
Its all been said - but I'll say it again. Gorgeous pic.
Dr_C - 05/Oct/10
Lovely photo. Great use of an ND grad.
akmacdonald - 06/Oct/10
Great photo, and with little PP, well done.
blackpoolrock - 06/Oct/10
I'm loving the look of this :) any chance you can email me the full res. pic. for a screen saver?. ([email protected])
valius - 06/Oct/10
awesome shot, congratulations
Stroppy Gob - Banned User - 08/Oct/10
That is a truly superb photo, well done.
handjammer - 08/Oct/10
thanks for all the comments they're much appreciated.
@ valius (martin) sorry but i'd just like to keep this one for me and maybe hung on my wall for a while.
gregk - 08/Oct/10
A very well deserved winner. There's one very, very minor technical problem (related almost certainly to the wide angle lens) that I'm sure Greg is aware of, which can be very easily tweaked in the digital darkroom, so I won't even bother to point it out.
Gordon Stainforth - 08/Oct/10
its funny you should say that gordon, i was only looking at some shots the other day and thinking that the barrel distortion was quite noticeable. the images i was looking at had a clear horizon line and it was quite heavily distorted and not necessarily a uniform curve it had some ups and downs. I then looked at this shot and realised I had not corrected the distortion. I'm surprised your the first to notice, although it is slightly concealed by the mountains jutting through the horizon. thanks for taking the time to comment.
gregk - 08/Oct/10
I´m stealing this one for my background ... dramatic and beautiful
Drofn - 08/Oct/10
wow very nice picture mate.
chrismidd - 09/Oct/10
I still think this is one of your best greg!
JamesGrantPhotography - 08/Nov/10
Better than any map! Beautiful shot, fantastic area.
bremner8 - 08/Nov/10
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This picture is copyright. Photo added September 24 2010.
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