Eastern Grit - Ring Ouzels 2024

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 Kim 03 May 2024

After a slow start to the season we have a few pairs of Ring Ouzels settling down to breed. Just two restrictions so far. Signs are up on site.

Stanage Plantation: Wall End Slab (VS 5a) area - covering everything from "Argus" to "Pure, White and Deadly" including Help the Aged (f7A+) bouldering.

Bamford: Wrinkled Wall (VS 4c) and The Crease (E1 5a) being the two main climbs covered.

There are other birds around but seeming unsettled in a lot of cases - please report any sightings either here or direct to me, and keep an eye out for any potential nesting behaviour. Thanks!

OP Kim 28 May 2024
In reply to Kim:

Both restrictions are now lifted - the Wrinkled Wall pair fledged their young but the Wall End Slab pair sadly failed, predated shortly after hatching.

Unfortunately it's been a poor season so far for Ring Ouzel numbers - certainly in Burbage and on Stanage, with only five confirmed pairs between them. Bamford is faring better with 4+ pairs and a couple further north. Most nests are currently away from climbing though we're about to go into second broods so I will post up any further restrictions here.

 veteye 29 May 2024
In reply to Kim:

Away from the peak;

Scotland in fact. Recently, I came across a nesting pair of Ptarmigan almost on the summit of the Munro top, of Sgurr na Lapaich (conjoined to Mam Sodhail) in Glen Affric. I tiptoed past to try not to upset them, keeping on the downside of the route which I would have taken.

So please also tread carefully across these tops.

I'm not trying to hi-jack the thread btw.

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