Monte Perdido Glacier and Pyrenees in October

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I'm planning a crossing of the pyrenees in october and would like to do some peaks on the way. any advise on likely conditions and weather from those that have experience at this time of year? Also how easy is the glacier on the NE side of Monte Perdido? I'll be on my own and to keep weight down will probably just take microspikes and a lightweight axe.

 Doug 09 Sep 2022
In reply to Full moon addict:

Can't help with Monte Perdido but I walked a mix of HRP & GR11 from Torla to Espot late September/early October several years ago. Some days it was quite warm (15-20°), even at altitude, but I also had a couple of days of rain & one night it snowed (maybe 3 or 4 cm but it melted rapidly the next morning).  Was very quiet & I saw very few people in the hills.

 felt 09 Sep 2022
In reply to Full moon addict:

I descended it in the 90s, axe, no crampons, and it was fine, but that's probably not much help now. But do note that there's a very short bit after the end of the glacier that goes down steep rock and is equipped with chains. Not Circo de Cotatuero type exposure, mind. 

In reply to felt:

Thanks. I don't think the chains are there any more. the bivvy hiut looks great.

In reply to Doug:

unfortunately I can't start until october so am anticipating cold up high and some more substantial snow.

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