Pico de Orizaba

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 Juanito London 16 Aug 2022

Dear friends,

I am planning a trip next November to Mexico. My idea is to do some hiking and later to climb the Pico de Orizaba mountain/volcano. I would like to ask you if you know or if you can recommend me any local mountain guide or company reliable that can be contacted for this purpose.

Thank you very much.

In reply to Juanito London:


I did Orizaba in March this year without a guide but the bloke that drove us from Tlachichuca to Piedra Grande (Carlos) was a guide. He also went up on the same day with us and was the first to summit the mountain with ease. 

+52 245 106 3639 - This number belongs to Carlos's dad, they run a mountaineering company from Tlachichuca. You can Whatsapp him and find out about prices and other info.

I made a video of my trip where you can see Carlos answering some questions, feel free to check it out:

 THE.WALRUS 21 Aug 2022
In reply to Juanito London:

That’s a great video…brings back some memories.

I went with Orizaba Mountain Guides several years ago, they were excellent:

I’d advise taking your time, and acclimatising on a couple of lower peaks before tackling Orizaba.

In reply to Juanito London:

Thank you for your answers guys. Definitely I have  to do some lower peaks before in order to get ready for high altitude, specially because I live in an area in London where the altitude is around 12 to 13 (40 ft) meters above sea level.

Thank you so much again.

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