Does WildCountry replace slings on cams

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 Kerm 06 Mar 2016
Hi. My cams are still good but the slings on them are knackered. Can I send them off to be replaced?
Andy Gamisou 06 Mar 2016
In reply to Kerm:

Why not ask them - I 've contacted then before and they are very helpful. [email protected]
OP Kerm 06 Mar 2016
In reply to Kerm:
Thanks. May just back them up then with some Prussia cord.
 EddInaBox 06 Mar 2016
In reply to Kerm:
According to the first post in the thread linked above, Wild Country won't replace slings any more. The only way to get new slings sewn on would be to send them abroad, probably to the U.S.

Another option may be seen here:
 climberchristy 06 Mar 2016
In reply to Kerm:

They no longer do replacement service. I phoned them a while back.
 fmck 06 Mar 2016
In reply to EddInaBox:

Any idea where you get the shrink wrap tubing. Electrical supplier?
 Andy Manthorpe 06 Mar 2016
In reply to fmck:

 deepsoup 07 Mar 2016
In reply to fmck:
That isn't shrink wrap tubing in Chris Tan's photos, it's tubular nylon tape. The same stuff people used to use to tie their own slings - available off the reel by the meter at any decent climbing shop.
 andrewmc 08 Mar 2016
In reply to Mountain Llama:

or look for the equivalent Beal 5.5mm cord (or even the 5mm pure dyneema if you are very careful knotting it).

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