EVEREST Climbers Against Cancer - Fundraiser

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This June, “climbers” of all persuasions are invited to take on the ultimate challenge to become Everest Climbers Against Cancer, raising funds for CAC to donate to cancer-related projects. John Ellison, CAC Founder, had a vision: “In Life, we are ALL climbers” and we’re reaching out to everyone in the outdoor and climbing communities to join in this challenge. Whether on a bike or on foot; on road, trail, rock or plastic; solo or as part of a group; and over the course of the whole month or in a single push; there are numerous ways for you to ascend 8,848m / 29,029ft equivalent to an ascent of the World’s highest summit.

Check out our News feed to see some of the transformative projects we are funding to help cure cancer and support those living with and beyond the disease.

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In reply to CAC - Climbers Against Cancer:

Some ideas for how you could Bike the height of Everest here:

... and watch this space for suggestions for Climb, Hike and Run! 

In reply to CAC - Climbers Against Cancer:

Some ideas for how you could CLIMB 8,848m to join the Everest Climbers Against Cancer:

At your local wall, nearest crag, or on the real thing (like CAC Athlete Ambassador Kenton Cool on his recent EIGHTEENTH Everest Ascent!!!

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