Mental health and emotional well being

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I am sure this topic has been discussed before.

Has anyone found that if they feel a bit down they can't train even at a social session?

This happened to me recently and I ended up just doing a lot of belaying - mind you I benefited from all that rope work 

Young  J Dunne

 broken spectre 19 Mar 2023
In reply to Mountain Spirit:

The important factor here is how you made the best of a bad job!

It's good how you adapted. Just think of all those happy climbers who benefited from you that day.

Awesome stuff, I love this kind of thing.


 tjdodd 19 Mar 2023
In reply to Mountain Spirit:

The main thing is that you got out and did something.  I'm impressed you socialised as I am sure the human contact will have been really useful if feeling a bit down.  I find it is important to force myself out of the house and go do something.  For me that would mean going for a walk or doing some bouldering (indoors or even better outdoors).  Whilst it may take some effort initially I always feel much better in myself.

I'd recommend at least trying to get on some holds and see how you feel.  The exercise (however little) will have some benefit.  But just getting out and being around people will help.

 freeflyer 19 Mar 2023
In reply to Mountain Spirit:

This comes up a lot with paragliding and has been discussed a fair amount on the forums. In fact there's a general recognition that if you are susceptible to ups and downs, only fly when you feel good.

E2A: PG forums, not here, clearly!

Post edited at 20:53
In reply to broken spectre:

> The important factor here is how you made the best of a bad job!

Hi Rob

Totally. Too right. I even managed to catch some falls even and got to now my BD ATC again - I have named it Adam Ondra. For the CWI assessment I will need to demonstrate the usage of both manual belay devices and assisted breaking devices along with good leading and lead belaying. Did you know that back clipping and Z Clipping are allowed in IFSC comps?

> It's good how you adapted. Just think of all those happy climbers who benefited from you that day.

This was actually the White Spider social on Monday. As far as I can remember, one the people I belayed was an instructor. 

> Awesome stuff, I love this kind of thing.

Thank you 

> Rob.


 Forest Dump 19 Mar 2023
In reply to Mountain Spirit:

As others have said, you made it out! Also, you helped others out. Hope you felt better afterwards!

In reply to tjdodd:

> The main thing is that you got out and did something.  I'm impressed you socialised as I am sure the human contact will have been really useful if feeling a bit down.  I find it is important to force myself out of the house and go do something.  For me that would mean going for a walk or doing some bouldering (indoors or even better outdoors).  Whilst it may take some effort initially I always feel much better in myself.

Tbh, I had already booked my place on the social and I was expecting someone to meet me there but that person didn't turn up. I did find communicating with the other climbers and the very encouraging instructors very useful and comforting. I walk myself and I find that is helps keep my focused and clear and calm my mind. On the same week I attended the CanaryWall in the thread about Deadlifting. 😀👍

> I'd recommend at least trying to get on some holds and see how you feel.  The exercise (however little) will have some benefit.  But just getting out and being around people will help.

I did exactly that after my belaying someone first. After belaying someone first - twice - I attempted ab F4 on toprope but didn't get far on it, after coming down I tried the same route again and got further but I didn't feel comfortable so I came down. I am off to my monthly Sheffield trip this week - one day is indoor leading at The Foundry and the following day is bouldering at The Depot. 

Depot J Dunne  

In reply to Forest Dump:

> As others have said, you made it out! Also, you helped others out. Hope you felt better afterwards!

I did feel much better afterwards. I was even willing to act as a coach and help a fellow climber improve.

Young sqwark 

Post edited at 00:43

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