Ben Bransby Climbs Parthian ShotNewsflash

© Pete Robins Collection

Ben Bransby high on a ground-up attempt at Parthian Shot.  © Pete Robins Collection
Ben Bransby high on a ground-up attempt at Parthian Shot.
© Pete Robins Collection
Ben Bransby has climbed Parthian Shot at Burbage in the Peak District, making the first lead of the route after the breaking of a crucial hold two years ago.

This famous route was graded E9 until the crucial 'shipwreck' flake was broken off in a fall by visiting Canadian climber Will Stanhope.

Bransby was climbing at Burbage today (19th Nov) with James McHaffie when he managed a successful lead of the route, the first lead of the route since the flake came off.

James told us briefly:

"It was a really good lead from Ben. I got up to the top crux twice, but couldn't feel my fingers."

We hope to bring you more news on this ascent soon. Until then, if you want to read the background on Parthian Shot you can check out this UKC Article: The Parthian Shot Saga

Note, the photo on the right is of Ben Bransby on an attempt on the route several years ago and is not current.

Ben Bransby is sponsored by: DMM, Evolv and prAna

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19 Nov, 2013
Is there any gear with the flake gone?
19 Nov, 2013
Damn good effort.
19 Nov, 2013
Something tells me he made a lead of the route...
19 Nov, 2013
Well done Ben.
19 Nov, 2013
D bloody rope ;p
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