Ben Bransby on Baron Greenback, E9, 2nd AscentInterview

© Alan James

Ben Bransby  © Jack Geldard
Ben Bransby
© Jack Geldard
As reported yesterday, Ben Bransby has made the 2nd ascent of Baron Greenback, Pete Whittaker's E9/10 at Wimberry Rocks (UKC News Report).

Pete made the first ascent back in May 2013, but skirted around Miles Gibson's original start for the route to create a brilliant test piece that climbs very unlike most grit routes being more positive and sustained rather than technical and tenuous.

In an interview with Graham Hoey for Peak Rock before Pete climbed it, Miles said the following about the route:

"It would be the best route on grit. It’s amazing. It could be an amazing E10 with good gear in the middle (removing the old bolts and using a camming nut). It’s brilliant because it’s stamina climbing on grit.

It makes Parthian just look like a boring slab. Appointment skirts round the real challenge, the real challenge is that line."

On the day of Ben's ascent, Pete Whittaker was at the crag as he has been trying Miles' direct start to the route which could make a hard route even harder, so watch out for a potential direct start there.

Ben climbed Baron Greenback in just a few visits, utilising the bamboo clipstick as Pete did but also using a large piece of wood to protect the bold start. Ben managed to climb the route successfully without resorting to testing the dodgy, old aid bolts.

A topo of the Appointment Buttress. Baron Greenback is no. 2 on the topo  © Chris Craggs
A topo of the Appointment Buttress. Baron Greenback is no. 2 on the topo
© Chris Craggs got in contact with Ben to find out more about his ascent:

Had you always had it in your mind to try what became Baron Greenback or did Pete's FA motivate you?

Ben: Pete's ascent was the inspiration. I guess I had looked at the line over the years but always been put off by the reputation/laziness/how hard it looked. Pete doesn't seem to suffer from any of these problems. When I saw the video of him doing Baron it looked so good I was keen to give it a go – it is just the sort of climbing I like and he did us all a favour by testing the bolts!

How long did it take you from first trying the route to leading it? Did you do anything differently to Pete?

Ben: It only took me a few visits – the benefit of having a video sequence to follow and maybe being a little fitter than Pete was when he did it. I abbed down it in the winter but didn't really try it much that day – it was pretty wet and cold.

I came back twice with my mum to top rope it – managed it in a oner the first day. A lot of the second day was sorting out how to clip the bolts, just like Pete I used a short bamboo clip stick to reach the 3rd bolt and then down climbed. Unlike Pete I was a bit more gripped about getting to the bolts – probably E7 in its own right – so I carried up a 9ft fence post which I wedged diagonally across the starting gully and clipped a sling in the top end – at about the same point as the starting holds. It sounds a bit odd but it protected the start really well and I did place it on lead!!

Pete was there both the second top rope day and the day I lead it and he found the fence post pretty funny, I guess the whole gear thing (fence post, bolts on grit, bamboo clip stick) is a little odd in an ethical sense but it kind of makes sense when you are there...

How did your ascent go, did you test the dodgy aid bolts?

Ben: The ascent when really well. Ray Wood was filming and the last thing he had filmed me on was Parthian where things went a little pear shaped – I showed him how to do a proper headpoint this time. I felt strong on the lead and every move felt really solid, I was keen not to test out the old bolts – going travelling/skiing for a year with my family and kept thinking if I decked out it would ruin my trip!

Ben Bransby making the second ground-up ascent (5th overall ascent) of The Promise at Burbage North  © Alan James
Ben Bransby making the second ground-up ascent (5th overall ascent) of The Promise at Burbage North
© Alan James, Dec 2008

Pete was unsure of the grade and you were unsure of the grade of Parthian when you re-climbed it, how do they compare?

Ben: Baron is a tricky one to grade – in a way a sport grade is best, probably hard F8a+, but scary! The E grade is dependent on the bolts staying in or coming out. If the bolts were good it would be E8, if the bolts rip out it is E10+ so I think E9 is a good balance.

I found Parthian harder both physically and mentally, this was partly as it was so cold the day I did it but also the gear feels dodgy – that said it all held when I fell off! I think they are similar French grade with Parthian being a little more nacky/conditions dependant whilst Baron is steeper and more physical and they are both scary. I def enjoyed Baron more, it was a fun day with Pete W there trying the direct and Pete Robins there top roping the original (watch this space: sure there will be more news to come...) it was really nice to repeat Baron with Pete watching.

It is one of the best lines on grit, does the climbing mirror this?

Ben: The line is obviously superb, probably the most out there grit route I have done and the climbing is great as well, it climbs more like a sport route than a normal grit climb – most of the holds are quite positive and it is steep and sustained whilst hard grit can so often be really technical and funky – I like both styles. I would say it is one of the very best routes I have done on grit, hats off to Pete doing the first ascent and I hope it sees plenty of (gentle with the bolts) attention (maybe we could replace the 3 aid bolts with one Czech style ring bolt... only kidding)

What's next for you?

Ben: Work! It is 5½ months till we go away and we need to save some more, if anyone wants some quality route setting or to rent a lovely 3 bed house in Hathersage for a year then get in touch!

Ray Wood was on hand the day of Ben's ascent so watch out for a video 

Pete Whittaker in a wild position on Baron Greenback  © Wild Country / Hotaches (Screenshot from film)
Pete Whittaker in a wild position on Baron Greenback
© Wild Country / Hotaches (Screenshot from film)

Ben Bransby is sponsored by: DMM, Evolv and prAna

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27 Mar, 2014
It's always good to know that there is another Mum out there who is willing to get out and belay :-) Well done Ben.
27 Mar, 2014
" I carried up a 9ft fence post which I wedged diagonally across the starting gully and clipped a sling in the top end – at about the same point as the starting holds. It sounds a bit odd but it protected the start really well and I did place it on lead!!" Brilliant, imaginative gear placement :-)
27 Mar, 2014
Presumably this could be extended. What's to stop the party carrying up a suitably cut telegraph pole for any route and leaning it against the crag? jcm
27 Mar, 2014
You could climb the log too if you want. Let's face it as long as you aren't damaging the rock and are open and honest about your tactics then it is a free country. Personally I wouldn't use a lump of wood on this route because I couldn't get off the ground carrying it. Let us know how you protect it.
27 Mar, 2014
Seemingly the pole was placed for protection not any point of aid. Nobody has tried to pull a fast one so whats the issue?
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