GB Bouldering Team Loses £8000 - You Can Help

© Heiko Wilhelm

The GB Bouldering Team are appealing for funds to allow them to compete in the 2014 Word Cup series. The GB team have had some excellent results in the last few years and here at UKC we are supporting the team with their goal to raise £8,000.

Due to financial difficulties, the main sponsor of the team has pulled out at the last minute, leaving them £8,000 short of the cash they need to travel to the competitions.

The team commented:

"We are appealing to your generous nature to help our athletes attend the IFSC World Cup events in 2014. Due to a last minute loss of financial support, our plans for this year have been scuppered...

The team has suffered a last minute loss of funding due to our main sponsor having financial problems of it’s own. Our funding has effectively been cut in half and with 6 weeks until the first event in China, things are looking tricky. Our budget was reduced by £8,000 due to this last minute change and so that is the amount we are trying to raise."

What will your donations pay for?

"Donations will help towards travel costs for the team. Doing the season requires numerous international flights, train fares, hotel stays, visa payments etc. The money we raise here will directly finance getting them to the starting line."

What does the 2014 season look like?

"The 2014 season takes our athletes around the world…literally. Our journey begins in China and from there we will travel to Azerbaijan, Switzerland, Austria, Canada, the USA, back to China, France and then we finish with the World Championships in Munich. Quite a season and, as you can guess, quite hard to finance!"

Shauna Coxsey competing for Team GB  © Heiko Wilhelm
Shauna Coxsey competing for Team GB
© Heiko Wilhelm / Rockfax are proud to support the GB Team and have donated 42 guidebooks as rewards, as well as hard cash. We are also giving this fund prominent advertising space on UKC, and will be reporting on all the bouldering events as they happen.

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31 Mar, 2014
Good luck getting the dose gang.
31 Mar, 2014
Just pledged some dosh. Hope they get all they need.
31 Mar, 2014
17 people need to raise 8000 pounds...and they start a national fundraising campaign? That's less than 500 each.
31 Mar, 2014
Pedantry I know but it's more than 500 pounds each. I don't see the problem with our climbers getting a bit of support from their community. I enjoy watching the IFSC bouldering champs on the internet, i find many of the climbers inspirational and very pleasant when I have met them. Perhaps they do not have 500 pounds each? Perhaps they have contributed what they could afford and it has fallen short? There are clearly some big donations on the site judging by amount raised and number of donors. Maybe that was them.
31 Mar, 2014
I suspect one of us needs a new calculator.......
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