Sharma and Glowacz - the Full StoryVideo Series

© UKC News

A couple of weeks ago we reported that Chris Sharma and Stefan Glowacz had teamed up to climb a mega new route. We guessed that it was the huge cave of Majlis al Jinn in Oman. Were we right?

Details were scarce, and the first video that was released was just a teaser, but now here's the full video series.

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22 Mar, 2014
Rather good. And great photography!
22 Mar, 2014
It's all a bit sponsored and sanitized. I hate the redbullshit.
22 Mar, 2014
Great, good to see Sharma continues to try new styles. As for the sponsorship etc, I guess someone's got to pay for it. The photography is top drawer, wouldn't be so good shot on a nauseating headcam and edited with a cracked version of final cut now would it...
22 Mar, 2014
In the end, the friendship - between two such intriguing personalities - seemed to matter more than the route. Mick
22 Mar, 2014
If one were to be a tiny bit cynical (not that I am of course) one might think that the friendship thing was also sanitised and stage managed.
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