Well Known British Climber Dave Pegg Has Died

© craig h

Reported on Rock and Ice Magazine is the sad news that climber Dave Pegg has passed away. Dave was 47 years old. The circumstances of his death are currently unknown to us at UKC.

Pegg was an influential rock climber in the UK prior to his move to the USA in 1996.

Dave Pegg on 1st ascent of the Bottom Line - Brimham Rocks  © craig h
Dave Pegg on 1st ascent of the Bottom Line - Brimham Rocks
© craig h, Nov 1989

He was particularly active on the gritstone outcrops of Yorkshire, and some of his more notable UK routes include Mind Bomb (E7 6c) (E7) at Earl Crag, The Bottom Line (E7 6c) (E7) at Brimham Rocks, MaDMAn (E8 6b) (E8) at Wimberry, Heart Beat City (E8 6c) (E8) at Rylstone, as well as the amazingly situated First and Last and Always (E7 6b) (E7) on the high mountain crag of Esk Buttress in the Lake District.

Pegg continued his obsession with climbing after his move the America, and after a stint working at Climbing Magazine, founded the guidebook company Wolverine Publishing.

Our thoughts go to his family and friends at this time.




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10 Nov, 2014
Very sad news. Dave was at the forefront of British climbing, will lots of bold new trad routes, and reports of his new routes were always an inspiration. Thoughts are with his family and friends.
10 Nov, 2014
This is really sad news. I only knew Dave a little during his Sheffield days but got to know him much better through his guidebook writing work. Initially he worked on the Rockfax guide Bite the Bullet to Rifle with Mick Ryan. Such was his enthusiasm for Rifle that he went on to produce his own book a few years later which led on to him starting his own Wolverine publishing company with his wife Fiona. He approached this with the same dedication and passion he showed in his climbing and went on to produce many more books including Bishop Bouldering and the Red River Gorge and was one of the first guidebook writer/publishers to go into Apps. We worked together over the last few years when he started distributing Rockfax books and exchanged pleasant emails every quarter, discussing our publishing projects. It is a real shock that he has gone and my condolences go to Fiona and the rest of his friends and family. Alan
10 Nov, 2014
Sad news. I never knowingly met him but was impressed by his climbs in the Lakes such as "First and Last and Always" and "Flattery" Condolences to friends and family
10 Nov, 2014
Sad news, never met they guy but the photos of him on Three Blind mice were inspirational. R.I.P.
10 Nov, 2014
Dave invited me on a trip to Buoux with him and a few other climbing heros back in the early 90's when I was a youth. I've always hoped I'd bump into Dave again at some point, sad to hear he has gone.
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