FRI NIGHT VID - Learning to Boulder with Ed Byrne and Niall Grimes


Our Friday Night Video this week is an exclusive from BMC TV and TGO Magazine featuring Sheffield funny man Niall Grimes and comedian Ed Byrne, from the TV channel Dave. Ed is passionate about the outdoors, regularly writing a column for TGO and wanted to find out about bouldering. Niall was dispatched from wherever the BMC keep him locked up and proceeded to go toe-to-toe with Ed for the funniest comedian at Robin Hood's Stride.

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10 Feb, 2017
I thought this was going to be an advertisement for going on a day's bouldering with them :)
10 Feb, 2017
I remember watching Ed climbing the Inn Pinn on Countryfile, and saying something along the lines of 'I'm not a climber' or 'I never have to climb again' .... looks like he's caught the bug!!
10 Feb, 2017
Grimer clearly has no clue. Any bouldering coach worth his salt would have had Byrne stripped to the waist & fully beanied up within minutes...
11 Feb, 2017
"I like burning people off", brilliant :-D
11 Feb, 2017
Grimer needs to explain what the chalk is for, by the look of it. And tell the guy to take his watch off - he'll trash it! Chris
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