Six killed in Alps Icefall Collapses

© UKC News

Six climbers have been killed in two separate incidents of icefall collapse on the same day in France and Italy, according to mainstream news reports.

Ice climbing in Aosta
© chrtur

Atypically warm conditions for this time of year have been cited by rescue authorities as the cause of the ice melting and subsequently detaching from the rock.

One of the accidents took place in Gressony-Saint-Jean, in the Val d'Aosta region of Italy, where four climbers died. A fifth climber in the party escaped harm, having been above the point of detachment when the incident unfolded.

Less than two hours later in La Grave, in the Haute-Alpes region of France, two more climbers were killed when a sheet of ice collapsed and fell onto them, according to the Briançon mountain rescue team.

Climbers have been urged to take caution in the area.

Source: Evening Standard

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17 Feb, 2017
4 Italian climbers when the top pillar of Bon Annee collapsed due to melt, a normally considered safe route in Gressoney. The other 2 chaps where Catalans, from the Emporda region (I didn't know them personally), again a sheet of ice delaminated and took them off. Sad day
17 Feb, 2017
Very sad day. My car said it was 10.5 degrees in Chamonix town centre when driving through yesterday.
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