Behind the Scenes of an IFSC World Cup with Matt GroomVideo

© UKC News

IFSC commentator Matt Groom has launched a new vlog series showing behind-the-scenes of the IFSC World Cup circuit. In this first episode from the Boulder World Cup in Hachioji, Japan, Matt eats copious amounts of sushi, gets backstage interviews with the athletes and shows the reality of life on the road with a tight schedule for the broadcasting team.

Among the mayhem, he writes round-ups for UKC. Read his UKC reports on the Boulder season so far from Hachioji and Seoul.

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5 May, 2023

Nice piece, but in the spirit of gentle feedback - please don't chew gum and present to camera. I know President Ford was famously accused of being so uncoordinated that he couldn't chew gum and walk at the same time, but it's no great feat to outdo him...

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