Rock Stars Exhibition

© Ed Luke
Photographer Ed Luke has put together a series of portraits of some of the top climbers in Britain.

He describes his collection of images that make up the Rock Stars Exhibition:

"Over 2 years in the making the collection features 30 unique and diverse portraits of some of Britain's best and least known climbers.

From the legendary Joe Brown whose bold routes and expeditions set the bar in the 50's and 60's to 16 year old Natalie Berry tearing up the indoor scene worldwide."

The exhibition is presented by Lyon Equipment and will be premièring at The Alpine Club in London at 4pm today (10th Feb). The exhibition will then be moving to Shaff and showing between February the 19th to 3rd of March.

You can view several of the portraits on Luke's website:

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10 Feb, 2009
Cool pictures :)
11 Feb, 2009
Great photographs. Has inpired me for my final year photography project
11 Feb, 2009
It's Noel Gallagher! Or is it Liam?
11 Feb, 2009
Sorry, silly me, it's Ian Brown.
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