Bouldering with Mina Leslie-Wujastyk 1Video Series

© David Mason (Screen shot from film)
Earlier in the winter Brits Mina Leslie-Wujastyk and David Mason went on an extended bouldering road trip around the USA. They travelled to Joe's Valley, Yosemite, Ibex, Bishop and more.

Mina climbed loads of hard problems, as did David, and we featured Mina's ascents in a few UKC News Items last November and December.

Mina Leslie-Wujastyk on the Joe's Valley highball Prince of Thieves (V10)  © David Mason (Screen shot from film)
Mina Leslie-Wujastyk on the Joe's Valley highball Prince of Thieves (V10)
© David Mason (Screen shot from film)

Now we have a set of nicely put together videos of classic problems from David Mason, mainly featuring Mina, but with a few clips of David too.

If you're thinking of going bouldering in the USA (yes please!) then check out these videos that will be popping up on UKC over the course of the next few weeks.

Here's the first:

Joe's Valley highballs, introduced by Mina Leslie-Wujastyk:

"This video features two stunning lines from Joe's Valley. Both high, but funnily enough, due to where the crux lay, the easier one was more of a battle. I have become more accustomed to climbing high above pads but the normal beta on Wind Below demands a committing dynamic move in the top section. I climbed up there a few times before I found a more controlled method and was able to grit my teeth and forget about the drop below! It proved quite a mental challenge and one of my most rewarding experiences of the trip."

Problems featured in this video are: Prince of Thieves (V10) and Wind Below (V6).

Mina Leslie-Wujastyk is sponsored by Arc'teryx , Five Ten , Beta Climbing Designs and is part of the British Bouldering Team, who are supported by the BMC

  • For more on Mina, follow her excellent BLOG

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28 Jan, 2013
"Sorry The creator of this video has not given you permission to embed it on this domain. This is a Vimeo Plus feature." ?
28 Jan, 2013
Hi - video is working fine for us here - maybe try refreshing or force refreshing your browser? You should be looking at the domain for it to work. Thanks, Jack
28 Jan, 2013
Ah I suspect this is something to do with my network, works on the wireless but not the wired! Really nice video.
28 Jan, 2013
brilliant climbing, thanks
28 Jan, 2013
You get the impression on the second problem that Mina totally ignores the perfectly good, aesthetic, moves and climbs past them instead. How rude.
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