UKC/UKH Readership Survey 2013 - New Prize Added!

© Paul Phillips
Over £1200 of great prizes!

The UKC/UKH Readership Survey has been running for 13 days now and we have already surpassed the total number of responses we got in 2010 with a current total of 4780 completed surveys. Such has been the response that we may even end the survey a month early in April!

Thanks to everyone who has taken the trouble so far - we know that there are a lot of questions and it is great to see that the vast majority of people are filling the full survey right up to the last question. All the data we receive is incredibly valuable for us in taking the web site forward and also in making ourselves more attractive to the advertisers which fund the site.

If you haven't yet filled it out then please consider making the time. We have two similar surveys and you can only fill out one of them, either the UKC version, which is more climbing based, or the UKH version which is a slightly shorter hillwalking based survey. We would like you to choose the survey that corresponds best to your interest level and which site you visit the most. The questionnaire is split into five short sections and should take about 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

Fill out the Survey here

Fill out the Survey here

New Prize - Make Your Own Bouldering Mat with Alpkit

Here is Jim from Alpkit to tell you more about this great new prize..... Alpkit logo

As UKC's own Sarah Stirling found out when she visited at the end of last year, we make all our Alpkit bouldering pads right here in our own workshop. Alpkit would like to offer one lucky climber the opportunity to come over to our workshop and see their prize being made before their very eyes. You'll have the choice of any pad you want based on our current models, choose its colour and design, perhaps add a club logo or a new design feature.

The guys will then sew it together for you, before helping you stuff our high grade foam combo inside. The design options are pretty endless - a lightweight take-anywhere pad based on the Phud, to a thick highball mat planned around the Project. One thing is for sure, you'll certainly leave with a one-of-a-kind bouldering pad and, if you're really lucky, we might even let you loose on the machines yourself to make your own custom chalk bag to match!

Note: The lucky winner will also be offered an endless supply of great coffee and we'll sort lunch out for you too, but you'll be responsible for getting to Alpkit (Nottingham) under your own steam. The workshop will be waiting for you between 9am-6pm on week days but is closed during weekends, as those making our pads like to climb too!

Sarah Stirling making a mat on a UKC visit to Alpkit  © Paul Phillips
Sarah Stirling making a mat on a UKC visit to Alpkit

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13 Mar, 2013
Couldn't find Gelert on the brands list; I tend to buy quite a lot of their kit!
13 Mar, 2013
The Alpkit prize looks so good. It's an innovative prize, much more interactive than just getting gear :)
13 Mar, 2013
Can I switch my survey from the climbing section to the walking section ;-)
13 Mar, 2013
With this is mind it might be worth pointing out that Alpkit are not in Nottingham itself
14 Mar, 2013
With this at the end i'm interested to see how winners are selected. UKC Readership Survey Thank you very much for your time and effort in completing this questionnaire. No reference to your IP address, user profile or email address has been recorded with the survey.
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