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Been climbing since about 2012. Happy to get out and do anything, trad or sport, but enjoy a big mountain day.
Recently moved to the South Lakes.
Freelance working in the outdoors, Trainee Mountaineering Instructor (MCI) just now consolidating before assessment.

Was in the Royal Marines a while ago, got discharged due to injury and since I have turned to climbing , which im pretty hooked on and manage with one real foot and one prosthetic.


Best Climbing Experience
1st winter route on the Ben when I was just starting out.
Tophet Wall on a cold autumn day seeing the sunset looking down Wastwater
Climbing the Mönch with mates in less than ideal conditions missing the crowds
And as cheesy as it sounds, usually the last one.

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Interests Outside Climbing
Winter Mountaineering, hill walking, running and road biking

Photo Gallery

P5 after the tricky bit

P5 after the tricky bit
© D.botts87


© D.botts87


© D.botts87

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