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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 6 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Stoney Middleton, Water-cum-Jolly, Raven Tor (Miller's Dale), Raven's Foot Buttress, Chee Dale Upper, Chee Dale Lower

Photo Gallery

Approaching the hard bit.

Approaching the hard bit.
© k.clemmow

Stoney Middelton

Stoney Middelton
© K.Clemmow

Windy Buttress

Windy Buttress
© K.Clemmow

Ste resting

Ste resting
© K.Clemmow

Glaswegian Kiss

Glaswegian Kiss
© k.clemmow

Aiguille du Tour

Aiguille du Tour
© K.Clemmow

Dry winter sport

Dry winter sport
© K.Clemmow

Best not done on a busy day at high tide!

Best not done on a busy day at high tide!
© k.clemmow

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