NEWS: Olympic Qualifier Series Shanghai - Boulder Qualifications

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 UKC News 16 May 2024

The first of the Olympic Qualifier Series has begun, with 48 women and 46 men competing in Shanghai, for a total of twenty-four tickets to the Paris Olympic games.

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 Pete Scott 17 May 2024
In reply to UKC News: How exactly do they combine the score from 2 separate qualifying events? Just add their rankings? I cant see how they would add the scores, as someone who didn't make semis would only have a single score, but someone who made finals would have 3 different scores to pick from.

Post edited at 10:45
 Arms Cliff 17 May 2024
In reply to Pete Scott:

There’s a link in the article to the scoring explainer. 

 jelaby 20 May 2024
In reply to Pete Scott:

The scoring for the two events is pretty well hidden in the IFSC website. It's here under OQS Points System - Sport Climbing.

The winner of each event gets 50 points, 2nd place gets 45, third gets 41, fourth 38, fifth 36, then each subsequent position gets one less than the one before. These scores are summed to give the overall ranking.

Ties are broken by the score at Budapest, and, in the event of a tie at Budapest, by the current World Ranking.

 johncook 20 May 2024
In reply to Pete Scott:

Maybe someone from BMC GBClimbing department could come on here and explain! It would give them a chance to make contact with real climbers, prospective competitors and others! They are not too good at publicising their achievements! They don't post videos, results, have a BMC display at their events etc etc!

If it wasn't for UKC, only a very few people would know they existed, and those few that do, do not appear to be too impressed!

Congratulations to all our athletes, junior, senior, elite, para etc. You are a credit to the climbing community and possibly the most dedicated group of people I have ever had the good fortune to meet!

Post edited at 09:26
 Offwidth 20 May 2024
In reply to johncook:

The GB Climbing webpage and GB Climbing Instagram feeds report news and results (spolier alerts apply on the main pages). That's alongside the IFSC site, linked above.

As I said to you before, those paraclimbing coaching staff you met at the indoor wall were almost certainly contractors who have a job to do and that doesn't includes being responsible for marketing the BMC.

I still think your suggestion at the BMC Peak area of volunteers marketing the BMC at indoor walls at busy times could be a big contribution to advertising BMC work and encouraging people to join.

Most climbers who didn't make finals also scored points. Points from Shanghai will be combined with the second event at Budapest points (in a few weeks time), to give a qualification list.

Post edited at 13:49
 Offwidth 20 May 2024
In reply to UKC News:

As far as I can see from watching on YouTube the winners in Shanghai got 50 points; 2nd place 45 points; 3rd 41 points; 4th 38 points; 5th 36 points; 6th 35 points; 7th 34 points; 8th 33 points; then all the rest of the 12 semifinalists from 32 to 21 points and qualification athletes from 20 points down to 1 point. As such, this aspect of the qualification scoring isn't very clear on UKC or on the IFSC site. They do not combine the scores out of 200 in the two events.

Post edited at 14:14

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